Page 361 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 361

Süleyman Toy - Zeynep Eren

             2. Data sources (at micro-scale) identifying the parameters that describe the built-up, vegetat-
                                    ed and other land cover types
             Built-up surfaces,
              vegetated sur-
              faces and other   Datasets               Data sources
              land cover types
               (urban form)
                                     Calculation of wall
                                     areas with data to
                                     be obtained from
              Morphology             building/structure
              (elements of           inventories (if any)  Urban administra-
              roughness):                                tions     Local administra-
                                      Building heights              tions’ building
               Wall area             and distances with   Urban planning
               density or   Building/  the data to be ob-  units   / structure inven-
              façade area   structure   tained from zoning   Units responsible   tories (if ready)
                density   inventories    plans       for urban parks  Zoning Depart-
              View factors  Derived from   Satellite images   Tree-advocacy   ments GIS De-
                          the ratio of                             partments Urban
              Distance be-           and aerial photo-  groups     Information Sys-
             tween rough-  the heights   graphs                        tems
                          and spans
             ness elements   (distances) of   Sky View Factor  (vegetation)
               (distance                             Transportation   Departments/
                         the roughness   Spatial data to be         Directorates of
               between    elements.  used in the calcu-  units      Parks and Gar-
               buildings/            lation of the ratio   (road/street trees)  dens-MoEUCC
                trees)               of building heights   City and regional   (Directorate Gen-
              Street direc-           to the distance   planning GIS units  eral of GIS)
                tions                between buildings
                                     for identification of
                                     the areas that may
                                     be urban canyons.
                                                    Urban administra-
                                                         tions     Local administra-
                                                                    tions’ building
                                                     Urban planning
                                                         units     / structure inven-
                                     Images and zoning              tories (if ready)
                Height;               plan information   Units responsible
               Height of   Stereographic   that can be used   for urban parks  Zoning Depart-
               roughness   images    to find the heights   Groups advocat-  ments
               elements:             of buildings, trees   ing green spaces   GIS Departments
                            LIDAR     and other urban
               Buildings              elements that   (vegetation)  Urban Informa-
                         Synthetic-Ap-  provide vertical             tion Systems
                Trees    erture Radar   elevation   units (road/street
                Others                                  trees)      Departments/
                                     On-site measure-               Directorates of
                                         ments      City and regional   Parks and Gar-
                                                    planning GIS units  dens-MoEUCC
                                                                   (Directorate Gen-
                                                     - Central institu-  eral of GIS)

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