Page 360 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 360

Suggestions For the Parametrization of Urban Characteristics to
                             Increase the Climate Resilience of Cities in Türkiye

                                                   Local ad-
                                                   or private
                                                  companies    Local Administrations
                       – Emission  Water usage sta-  providing
              - Water
                        inventory      tistics      water    MoEUCC Provincial Envi-
                                                             ronmental Status Reports
                                                  Public institu-
                                                  tions, irriga-
                                                  tion unions

                                                                   TURKSTAT (Turk-
                                          Distribution of
                            Types of hu-  employment by             ish Statistical
                            man activities  sectors                   Institute)
                            -Census data  Workforce statistics     Local administra-
                           (private house-             Crowdsourc-     tions
                            holds, working  Household indica-
              Types of use of                              ing     (Zoning Depart-
              buildings (office,   population by  tors (housing types)  Planning   ments
                            small spatial
                 home)                    Housing sales   units
                               units)                              Departments of
              Use of heating                statistics  Energy regu-  Geographic Infor-
              and cooling sys-  Typical work,   Number of con-  lators  mation Systems )
                            home, recre-
                  tems                   struction permits
                             ation types                Public trans-  Urban Information
                Ventilation             Building coverage           Systems (if any)
                              Building                  port service
                             information     ratios      providers  MoEUCC Direc-
                              systems    Total areas of in-        torate General of
                                        dustrial, workplace        Geographic Infor-
                            Work-related                           mation Systems
                              activities  and residential           https://cbs.csb.
                                         Fuel oil (petrol –
                                        LPG) use (for motor
              Transportation/               vehicles)   Energy unit    EPDK
                 carriage  Fuel consump-                /companies  Local administra-
                              tion data  Types and number
             Public transporta-          of public trans-          tions (Transporta-
              tion (bus, metro,   Socioeconom-  portation vehicles,   Transpor-  tion Departments)
                  etc.)     ic character-  and infrastructure,   tation unit/  Ministry of Trans-
                               istics   pedestrian and cy-  companies
               Vehicle types            cling path lengths          port and Infra-
                           Types of public             Crowdsourc-    structure
                 Cycling                by transportation   ing
                              activities    modes                 Urban Information
                 Walking                               Planning unit  Systems
                                        Number of motor
                                         vehicles by types

                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  349
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