Page 356 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 356
Suggestions For the Parametrization of Urban Characteristics to
Increase the Climate Resilience of Cities in Türkiye
3. Classification of urban characteristics affecting the elements of climate
Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to develop parameters and data
sets for the identification, monitoring and evaluation of the characteristics
known to be effective on the elements of climate in cities. Accordingly, these
characteristics are considered as the factors related to urban form, the effects
of human activities and the effect of city size. It is possible to classify the effect
of these urban characteristics as micro, local, meso (medium) and regional scale
(Figure 3) according to the size of the area they affect (Oke 1997; WMO 2023).
Figure 3. Human effect causing radiative forcing (adapted from Oke 1997 and WMO 2023).
The parameters required to be followed according to this scale size are given
in Table 1. Accordingly, the urban characteristics considered at the micro scale
include the parameters of avenues/streets, buildings and building surfaces,
and the relevant parameters are the characteristics of construction materials,
building heights and the ratio of building heights and the distance between
buildings. The urban section, which is discussed at a local scale, is considered as
urban areas from the street scale to the size of the neighbourhood and mostly
under the influence of physical blocks. The parameters of the characteristics
effective at a local scale are the ratio of building floor areas to parcel sizes
(building coverage ratio; BCR), maximum building heights and height standard
deviations. While the meso (medium) scale includes densely built-up areas in
the city, it is seen as a scale covering all medium-sized cities. The parameters
considered at this scale are building areas, maximum heights and standard
deviations (WMO 2023).
Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023 345