Page 351 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 351

Süleyman Toy - Zeynep Eren

             Figure 1. Climate system, external forcings and role of urbanization (based on IPCC 2018)

               It has been known since Luke Howard’s work in London in the early 1800s
            that due to the human-induced effects in cities,
               •   more solar radiation is retained and converted into heat (because of
                  greenhouse gas and aerosol production from industry, domestic and
                  traffic sources),
               •   horizontal  air  movements  are  hindered  and  thus  heat  exchange  and
                  cooling between air and surfaces are reduced (effect of buildings and
                  surface roughness),
               •   additional heat is produced and released into the urban environment
                  (heat release from combustion due to industry, domestic heating-
                  cooling and motor vehicle traffic),
               •   heat  losses  due  to  evaporation  are  reduced  as  built-up  (covered)
                  surfaces prevent evaporation,
               and  hence  cities  exhibit  different  climate  characteristics,  especially
            being warmer, compared to their surrounding environment. (Howard 1820;
            Landsberg 1981; WMO 2023).
               The  measurement,  monitoring  and  evaluation  of  the  relationships
            between  the  mentioned  micro,  local  and  meso  scale  urban  characteristics
            and meteorological parameters over many years play a highly significant role
            in reducing the impacts of cities on the elements of climate and improving
            their capability to adapt to climate change by producing innovative solutions
            (Kazancı and Tezer 2021).

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