Page 354 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 354

Suggestions For the Parametrization of Urban Characteristics to
                             Increase the Climate Resilience of Cities in Türkiye

            duration and intensity of sunshine, the number of cloudy and clear days in the
            region where the cities are established, may vary depending on local weather
            conditions and also other factors. Local meteorological conditions affect the
            heat exchange processes and the balance of incoming and outgoing solar
            radiation on urban surfaces (WMO 2023).
               The effect of urban form: Physical elements that define urban morphology
            and form include the characteristics such as building and street features,
            open spaces, parcels and structural density. In this context, physical elements
            which  are  influential  on  urban  climates,  such  as  street  patterns,  building
            forms and scales, settlement patterns, open and green space systems,
            are the main elements of morphological analysis. These elements are also
            affected by the socioeconomic and cultural structure (Sınmaz and Özdemir
            2016).  The  construction  materials  used  (asphalt,  building  coverings,  etc.),
            urban geometry (settlement of 3D structures/buildings - site selection, urban
            canyon) and urban functions (industry, housing, etc.) are the factors that affect
            the  heat  balance  in  the  urban  environment  because  of  their  albedo  and
            heat retention capacity. Compared to rural areas, cities have larger surfaces
            on  which  sunlight  is  absorbed  or  reflected,  due  to  their  built-up  surfaces
            (Stewart and Oke, 2012). Vertically rising building surfaces in cities create extra
            surfaces, which leads to increased exposure to shortwave solar radiation. Sky
            View Factor is quite low in cities (Zeng et al 2018), which prevents the loss of
            long-wave radiation reflected and causes extra heating. Again, due to the
            canyon geometry created by high-rise buildings (Oke, 1981), air movements in
            cities slow down and heat transport by turbulence / advection decreases. The
            roughness of urban surfaces (presence of high-rise buildings) has the effect
            of limiting horizontal (advective) air movements and breaking strong winds
            coming  from  outside.  Therefore,  cities  have  windless  weather.  The  factors
            affecting the elements of climate arising from urban form can be categorised
            into  three  groups:  urban  fabric  (it  stores  more  heat  during  the  day  and
            releases it at night), urban surface geometry (with its complex 3-dimensional
            forms, it reduces the sky view factor and ground heat loss due to building and
            street facades) and urban imperviousness (it hinders the accumulation and
            evaporation of groundwater that must evaporate, and ensures that the latent
            heat that must be lost by evaporation from the environment is present in the
            environment as sensible heat; WMO 2023).
               The  effect  of  human  activities:  It  is  known  that  greenhouse  gases
            and particulate matter generated as a result of energy production and
            consumption activities arising from production and living activities (industry,
            housing,  transport)  in  cities  disrupt  the  urban  atmospheric  properties  and
            cause extra warming (anthropogenic heat) by retaining more long-wavelength

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