Page 366 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 366

Suggestions For the Parametrization of Urban Characteristics to
                             Increase the Climate Resilience of Cities in Türkiye

              6   Pressure (millibars)  X         X         X       X
                  Vapor pressure (milli-
              7                         X         X         X       X
              8   Cloudiness (oktas)    X
                  Amount of precipitation
              9                         X         X         X       X       X
                  mm/m 2
              10  Sunshine duration (h)  X        X         X
                  Insolation intensity (W/
              11  m ) 2                 X         X         X       X
                  Total and diffuse radi-
              12  ation                 X         X         X       X
              13  Snow height (cm)      X         X         X       X
                  Number of snow-cov-
              14                        X         X         X       X
                  ered days
              15  Number of snowy days  X         X         X       X
              16  Number of rainy days  X         X         X       X
                  Number of Clear,
                  Cloudy and Overcast
              17  days                  X         X         X       X
               Since  performance  and  monitoring  of  meteorological  measurements  in
            cities and comparing them with urban sections and rural areas is the subject
            of another study, it is not mentioned in detail here.

               5. Discussion and conclusion

               In the urban environment;
               1.  Due to the canyon geometry created by the high-rise construction,
                  the width and type of surface to be heated by the sunlight (as short
                  and long wave radiation) is greater than in natural areas, and heat
                  transport  by  horizontal  air  movement  (advection)  is  less  (Arnfield
                  2003; Pattacini 2012).
               2.  The structure and thermal properties of the materials that form urban
                  surfaces have a greater capacity to retain and transfer heat from the
                  sun, resulting in more warming (US EPA 2017).
               3.  Human activities that require the burning of fossil fuels result in the
                  release of pollutant gases (mainly greenhouse gases) and particulates
                  into the atmosphere, which traps more longwave solar radiation and
                  causes additional warming (Sun et al., 2022).

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