Page 27 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 27

Aliye Ahu Gülümser - Nur Kardelen Öztürk - Mert Akay - Burak Belli

            urban texture and ensure social sustainability. It is known that there are about
            6.7 million houses that need to be transformed in our country. 1.5 Million of
            these houses have been transformed with the cooperation of citizens, TOKI
            and local governments. It is targeted to fulfil the transformation of 5.2 million
            houses in the next 20 years.
               Actions  under  “Strategy  05.02.  The  realization  of  urban  transformation
            with on-site, site-specific and participatory processes within the framework
            of  sustainability  principles”  constitute  the  main  actions  of  SSP  of  Türkiye
            on  urban  transformation  (Table  1).  Ministries,  local  governments,  TOKI,
            professional chambers, unions and non-governmental organizations will work
            in cooperation at the implementation phase of the actions of SSP of Türkiye
            on urban transformation.
                        Table 1: The main actions within the scope of the SSP of
                                  Türkiye on urban transformation

              Action No  Action Name
                        Urban transformation practices will be performed as a site-specific way by
                        adopting the on-site transformation in compliance with the urban texture.
              05.02.02  Social and cultural facilities will be developed in urban transformation practices.
                        Republic of Türkiye “Urban Transformation Strategy Document” will be pre-
                        pared by the relevant municipalities on provincial or district basis in accordance
              05.02.03  with “Rules and Principles on the Preparation of Urban Transformation Strategy
                        Document” published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Re-
                        public of Türkiye.
                        Prioritization work will be carried out in settlements in accordance with criteria
              05.02.04  such as population at risk, disaster risks, cultural heritage, economic dimension
                        during the urban transformation practices.
                        Measures will be taken to prevent urban centers containing cultural and his-
              05.02.05.  torical areas from becoming the areas of depression in cities and to revitalize
                        such places.
               In the scope of the action “05.02.01. Urban transformation practices will
            be performed as a site-specific way by adopting the on-site transformation in
            compliance with the urban texture.” it will be ensured that urban transformation
            practices will be carried out in coordination with the zoning plans. The spatial
            needs of the residents will be taken into consideration as a priority in the area
            where the application is carried out and priority will be given to site-based
            practices. Doing this, urban transformation practices that are compatible with
            the urban texture will become widespread by 2035.
               The action “05.02.02. Social and cultural facilities will be developed in urban
            transformation practices.” aims at implementation of urban transformation
            in accordance with sustainability principles. Urban transformation practices
            cover not only the transformation and development of building stock, but

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