Page 24 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 24

The Place of Urban Transformation in National Planning:
                             The Case of The Spatial Strategic Plan of Türkiye

            and disasters, resilient and sustainable country space”. As a result, 10 goals,
            32  strategies  and  158  actions  have  been  determined  in  the  entire  plan.  A
            monitoring and evaluation system has been established for the implementation
            of all these goals. SSP of Türkiye, which includes the outline strategies for the
            whole country and actions for the year 2053, assumes an important role for a
            planned development.

               4. SSP of Türkiye - Scope of Urban Transformation

               SSP of Türkiye, as a plan covering the whole country, also addresses the
            issue of urban transformation with a holistic approach. Urban transformation
            and other relevant issues are considered in the goals, strategies and actions
            of SSP of Türkiye starting from the priorities. One of the priorities of SSP of
            Türkiye is to identify the risks of natural disasters and to ensure the resilience
            of  settlements.  It  covers  geological/hydrogeological  disasters  such  as
            earthquakes,  mass  movements,  floods,  overflows;  meteorological  disasters
            due  to  climate  change  such  as  drought,  storms,  extreme  temperatures,
            human-caused fires as well as detection of biological disasters, identification
            of natural disaster risks and hazards in residential areas, and related urban
            transformation  practices  and  durable  building  stock.  Another  priority  is  to
            improve the quality of life and space in settlements and covers issues such
            as quality of life, liveable cities and settlements, people orientation, green
            cities,  green  areas  and  green  corridors,  smart  cities,  sports  for  everyone,
            adequate and accessible public facilities, qualified architecture and physical
            environment, housing and sheltering, sustainable and healthy environment,
            technical infrastructure, security and accessibility.
               Urban transformation, within SSP of Türkiye, is addressed under the basic
            concepts of resilience and liveability. The second goal of SSP of Türkiye is
            “Resilience to Disaster Risks”, and in this context, when it comes to a liveable,
            disaster-sensitive and resilient country space, it is aimed to ensure resilience
            to holistic disaster risks, especially natural disasters, in all settlement units
            and economic sectors. In this context, one of the strategies of SSP of Türkiye
            is defined as “Strategy 02.01. Prevention of loss of life and property caused
            by natural and human-caused disaster risks”. For this purpose, it is primarily
            aimed  to  create  holistic  disaster,  vulnerability,  exposure  inventories  and
            sensitivity, hazard and risk maps that allow the data to be evaluated together.
            Risk  reduction,  response  and  improvement  studies  will  be  carried  out  for
            disasters within the framework of these data. In addition, active fault zones will
            be mapped and fault avoidance zones will be determined. By expanding the
            scope of Geological-Geotechnical and Micro-zoning Studies based on the
            Zoning Plan, it is targeted to conduct paleoseismology studies for active fault

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