Page 19 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 19

Aliye Ahu Gülümser - Nur Kardelen Öztürk - Mert Akay - Burak Belli

            strategies and actions and required operational approach; and stands out as
            a significant plan in defining the basis of decisions to be made in lower scale
            plans within the scope of planning hierarchy of Turkish planning system.
               SSP of Türkiye, which started officially with the amendments made to the
            Zoning Law No. 3194 in 2018 and incorporates the strategic decisions  on
            country space in line with 2053 Vision, sets forth the concrete goal, strategy
            and action sets for urban transformation. In this context, this article will discuss
            the way of addressing the urban transformation in upper scale plans and its
            scope in our country through the goals, strategies and actions produced in
            urban transformation process in SSP of Türkiye process.
               This article consists of 5 sections that are related to each other. In the first
            section, a conceptual structure is established on urban transformation and
            basic problematics of the article is outlined. In the second section, the current
            urbanization literature is presented critically in the scope of main problematics
            of the article regarding the urban transformation applications in Türkiye and
            urban transformation is discussed within the legislative context. In the third
            section, providing an overview on the preparation process of Türkiye’s SSP
            Processplan, historical progress is explained. In the fourth section as the focal
            point of the article, goals, strategies and actions on the urban transformation
            is examined in the context of SSP of Türkiye - Urban Transformation Scope
            in the country plan as a whole. Finally, In the fifth section titled Conclusion,
            the role of urban transformation is discussed at the level of both strategic
            plan and lower scale physical plans for the future, especially on the topic of
            integrated disaster management.

               2. Urban Transformation Practices in Türkiye

               Looking through the historical process of urban transformation processes
            in  Türkiye,  it  is  seen  that  the  period  between  1950-1980  was  marked  with
            improvement,  restructuring  and  urban  transformation  works  in  slum  areas
            while  urban  transformation,  improvement  and  rehabilitation-reconstruction
            activities were performed between 1980-2000 which was shaped by liberal
            policies; and the period after 2000 features with renewal and redevelopment
            practices in urban spaces (Ataöv and Osmay, 2007; Republic of Türkiye Ministry
            of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change, 2023b). The main change
            related to urban transformation in this period is the definition of the concept
            of transformation, even partially, (Sadioğlu and Ergönül, 2020) by laws, and
            setting out its framework (Aydınlı and Turan, 2012).
               The dominant urban transformation approach in the pre-2000 period is the
            renewal works carried out by small-scale developers on a single parcel (Türk
            and Altes, 2010). After 2000, urban transformation practices framed by laws

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