Page 21 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 21

Aliye Ahu Gülümser - Nur Kardelen Öztürk - Mert Akay - Burak Belli

            settlements. In parallel, it is noteworthy that the basic conceptual framework
            for urbanisation is established in the frame of KENTGES - Integrated Urban
            Development  Strategy  and  Action  Plan  (2010-2023)  developed  as  the  final
            results  of  Urbanization  Council  and  that  urban  transformation  provides  an
            important input. Considering the climate change, sustainable city form and
            energy  efficiency  addressed  together  with  urban  transformation,  it  can  be
            said that the potential of using urban transformation as an effective tool was
            highlighted in finding solutions to urban problems that may arise in the future
            (Integrated Urban Development Strategy - 2010 - 2023). In the subsequent
            period, housing was identified as an important problem field in Urbanization
            Council held in 2017 and urban transformation assigned with a key role in
            solving the housing problem, was defined as one of the four commission titles.
            While defining the role of local governments in urban transformation, it was
            pointed out that urban transformation process should be managed by taking
            into account the rights of urban residents. Importance of urban transformation
            was emphasized once again in 10th and 11th Development Plans in terms of
            increasing the quality of life and producing a living space for disadvantageous
            groups, and it stands out as a significant methodological approach for the
            indicated problems when urban transformation is used in coordination with
            various planning tools. Within the scope of the National Strategy for Regional
            Development  (BGUS)  2014-2023,  urban  transformation  applications  were
            defined  as  independent  projects  aimed  at  real  estate  development  and
            value enhancement until the 2011 Van Earthquake, and then as a means of
            reducing disaster risks. Urban transformation projects under BGUS include the
            transformation of disaster-prone areas, the transformation of industrial areas,
            the production of luxury housing on the city periphery, applications for the
            revitalization of historical areas as well as addressing the urban transformation
            with  a  holistic  approach  considering  its  relation  with  education,  culture,
            employment, environment, etc. and it is emphasized that urban transformation
            should be carried out through practices that support domestic and innovative
            production (Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Development, 2014). Accordingly,
            it was also mentioned that urban transformation practices should be holistic
            in  order  to  cover  not  only  housing  production  or  renovation,  but  also  the
            diversity  of  applications  of  different  scales  and  other  factors  affecting  the
            quality of life and the environment.
               In addition to the plans within Türkiye’s planning system, Rules and Principles
            on the Preparation of Urban Transformation Strategy Document published by
            the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Republic of Türkiye in 2019
            is a document that will play a decisive role in urban transformation practices
            today. The legal infrastructure of urban transformation applications has been
            established  in  our  country  since  the  2000s,  but  its  place  in  the  planning

             6  The Journal of Environment, Urban and Climate
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