Page 22 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 22

The Place of Urban Transformation in National Planning:
                             The Case of The Spatial Strategic Plan of Türkiye

            system has not yet been determined holistically. With this document, the
            first steps have been taken towards the preparation of different typologies of
            urban transformation at country scale and the determination of priority areas
            in  practice  (Republic  of  Türkiye,  Ministry  of  Environment,  Urbanisation  and
            Climate Change, 2023b), and it has paved the way for including the urban
            transformation in our planning system in a systematic way. As of the date of
            preparation  of  the  document,  it  became  obligatory  for  local  governments
            to  prepare  an  Urban  Transformation  Strategy  Document  and  to  make  it
            approved by Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Republic of Türkiye.
            For this reason, it plays an effective role as much as upper-scale and local-scale
            plans within the scope of urban transformation applications. In the scope of this
            report, main decisions on urban transformation practices based on the whole
            settlement area and the steps for implementing these decisions are included in
            the scope of Urban Transformation Strategy Document by taking into a holistic
            approach that is related to upper scale plans. In addition, it contains the steps
            for  preparing  the  Urban  Transformation  Strategy  Document,  which  should
            include the analysis of the whole city, the prioritization studies within the scope
            of transformation, the legal bases, the financing method, the implementation
            schedule and the design criteria. This report is a preliminary step towards the
            harmonization of urban transformation practices throughout the country.
               Current situation of urban transformation phenomenon in Türkiye’s upper
            scale plans and strategy documents highlights that the transformation should
            be carried out for the purposes of reducing disaster risk, improving the quality
            of life and space and revitalizing the historical areas. Besides, it is seen that
            an  approach  towards  a  holistic  and  flexible  planning  approach  has  been
            adopted with decisions regarding the social and social dimensions of urban
            transformation. In all this scope, the absence and necessity of an inclusive and
            operational approach regarding the legal, managerial and upper-scale plans in
            Türkiye have allowed urban transformation to be examined in depth during the
            SSP of Türkiye process. In this context, the following sections of the study sets
            forth the way urban transformation is handled in the SSP of Türkiye process and
            include the goals, strategies and actions identified for urban transformation.

               3. Türkiye’s SSP Process

               With the changing and evolving needs in cities, the perception of strategic
            planning has gradually adopted rather than the traditional planning approach.
            Strategic plans have become multi-layered and multi-actor plans, especially
            with  their  participatory  processes.  Since  the  beginning  of  the  2000s,  the
            perception of planning has started to develop in this direction in Türkiye as
            well,  after  2009  Urbanization  Council,  the  “Determination  of  the  Methods

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