Page 31 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 31
Aliye Ahu Gülümser - Nur Kardelen Öztürk - Mert Akay - Burak Belli
should be planned and implemented in accordance with the needs of the
local population. In addition, during urban transformation projects, the
participation and opinions of local people should be taken into consideration
and they should be included in the project process.
Finally, from an economic point of view, urban transformation projects
should support economic sustainability. At this point, it is important that urban
transformation projects create new employment areas, support economic
growth and promote regional development. Based on this, improving existing
urban transformation practices, using urban transformation more effectively
in lower-scale plans, and making urban transformation processes and actors
more defined stand out as an important requirement. The goals, strategies
and actions set out in the context of urban transformation within the scope of
the SSP of Türkiye have the potential to put forward the basis that will respond
to this requirement.
Preparation works of the Spatial Strategy Plan of Türkiye were realized
under 4 protocols signed between the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization
and Climate Change of Republic of Türkiye and İstanbul Technical University
between 2018-2021. This article has been published with the permission of the
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of the Republic of
Türkiye. We would like to thank the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and
Climate Change of the Republic of Türkiye, all researchers and participants for
their valuable contributions during our studies.
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16 The Journal of Environment, Urban and Climate