Page 155 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 155

Orhan İNCE - H. Abdullah UÇAN et al.

                                Table 1. Climate Index Classifications

                                         EE Climate
              No  IL Climate classification              DME Climate classification
              1      0-20     Desert   <30     Arid     0-10          Arid
              2     20,1-40    Arid   30-50  Semi-arid  10,1-20     Semi-arid
                                             Semi-hu-           Semi-arid and humid
              3     40,1-60  Semi-arid  50-90          20,1-24
                                               mid               (Mediterranean)
              4    60,1-100   Semi     >90    Humid    24,1-28     Semi-humid
              5    100,1-160  Humid                    28,1-35       Humid
              6                                        35,1-55
              7                                         >55      Extremely humid

               2.4. IPCC and Climate Scenarios
               Predicting the processes that are or will be experienced on Earth is quite
            difficult  due  to  complex  dynamics  (Isinkaralar  and  Varol,  2023).  However,
            efforts to predict future events based on probabilities depending on certain
            assumptions are quite useful, as they provide the possibility of intervention
            before experiencing the certain risks. With this approach, the IPCC produces
            acceptance-based and story-based scenarios for the future of the climate.
            Information  is  provided  for  the  scenarios  in  the  framework  of  the  reports
            including Special Report on Emission Scenarios in the period 2007-2013: SRES
            (IPCC,  2007),  Representative  Concentration  Pathways:  RCP  in  2013  (IPCC,
            2013) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: SSPs covering the scenarios in
            which sustainable urbanization is achieved/ not achieved in 2020 (Yang et al.,
            2020). Within the scope of the study, SSP scenario groups were used. SSPs
            are included in the 6th Assessment Report prepared by IPCC. The report is
            based on the parameters of the current century. Since risk management and
            sound decision-making under uncertainty require knowledge of the extreme
            points, scenarios with medium and high impacts produced in the report were
            selected instead of optimistic approaches in the scenarios. The change of
            climate zones has been estimated within the framework of moderate (SSP
            245) and pessimistic (SSP 585) scenarios defined in the report.

               3. Findings

               Climate  indices,  which  allow  the  readability  of  spatial  climate  zones,
            enable the prediction of the future climate structure with the development
            of geographical information systems as a tool. Figure 3 shows the climate
            classification according to the estimates made depending on different indices.
            Accordingly,  it  is  predicted  that  the  Mediterranean  climate  and  humidity

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