Page 154 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 154

Traces of Possible Ancient Life From Mars to Earth:
                     An Assessment of The Microbial Ecology of Salda Lake and Its Protection

            of “Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)” interpolation method. For the scenario-
            based data, WorldClim data source, which provides big data on the global
            climate, has been used. The data cover the annual average values as defined in
            the formulas of the indices. The change of climate types has been determined
            according to three different climate indices: Lang (LE), Emberger (EE) and De
            Martonne (DME). Of these, Lang (1990) is calculated according to Equation 1.
            It is distinguished from other indices as it includes desert class in the climate
            classification.  The  Lang  index  is  based  on  the  following  formula.  Where,  P
            is the average annual total precipitation (mm) and Ta is the average annual
            temperature (°C) (Lang, 1920; Elagib and Addin Abdu 1997; Ashraf et al., 2014).


               The De Martonne Index is based on the following formula, where P is the
            annual precipitation amount (mm) and T is the annual average temperature
            (°C) (Mavrakis and Papavasileiou, 2013):


               The Emberger (1933) Climate classification, based on the temperature and
            precipitation values of an area, is in Equation 3. Where, M is the average of
            the monthly data with the highest temperature value (°C), m is the average of
            the monthly data with the lowest temperature value (°C), and P is the average
            annual precipitation (mm) (Gavilán, 2005; Savo et al., 2012).


               The possible climatic zones of the study area are classified using Table 1.
            (Baltas, 2007; Nistor, 2016; Rahimi et al., 2013; Heidarizadi et al., 2022). The De
            Martonne Climate Index consists of 7 classifications, from arid to extremely
            humid  (Dursun  and  Babalık,  2021).  IL  classification,  unlike  other  indices,
            contains the desert category. EE climate zones, on the other hand, consist of
            4 classifications that rise from arid to humid. For climate models of Antalya
            Basin, climate classification maps were formed by applying climate type index
            formula (Lang, Emberger and Martonne) in spatial analysis toolbar in ArcGIS
            10.5 software and using the climate classification of the indices.

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