Page 158 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 158

Traces of Possible Ancient Life From Mars to Earth:
                     An Assessment of The Microbial Ecology of Salda Lake and Its Protection
               4. Discussion and Conclusion

               Climate change has become one of the most important problems of the
            21st  century  with  its  spatial,  social,  economic  and  political  aspects.  There
            are uncertainties about the extent, scope and speed of climate change. As
            expressed in IPCC (2022) report, climate risks are becoming more complex
            and difficult to manage over time. Besides, it is spreading rapidly between
            regions and sectors. However, it is foreseen in many studies that settlements
            will  be  exposed  to  serious  impacts  caused  by  climate  change,  this  issue
            reaches a more serious level in terms of vitality. For this reason, risk analysis is
            a powerful tool used to assess, interpret, transmit and reduce risks.
               This research, carried out at the basin scale, reflects the serious change in
            the parameters of the region spatially. From this point of view, the research
            reveals  the  possibilities  for  understanding  the  process  within  the  scope  of
            the first module among the planning modules established by UN Habitat. It
            is a more critical issue to understand the effects of the changing climate and
            take  precautions,  especially  in  underdeveloped  and  developing  countries.
            Türkiye, which is in a relatively vulnerable position against climatic risks due to
            its geographical structure, has taken a managerial step towards coordination
            for the fight with climate regarding the actions aimed at reducing the impacts
            of it by updating the scope of the relevant ministry for the environment as
            the  Ministry  of  Environment,  Urbanisation  and  Climate  Change.  A  partner
            institution ground has been established for the decisions to be taken
            regarding the climate risks. The next stage of the module is to identify the
            most important and critical impact among the ones that occur. At this stage, it
            is necessary to specify the problems and goals and create a roadmap.
               Previous  researches  conducted  in  the  field  of  study  draw  attention  to
            critical temperature increases. The model by Durmuş et al. (2021) asserting
            that the average maximum temperature between 1980-2019 will increase in
            coastal areas such as Alanya and Fethiye by approximately 4 °C, is statistically
            significant. It has an important share in the country’s economy with its natural
            beauties, marine and cultural tourism potential and agricultural production
            capacity. Extreme temperatures combined with high humidity will probably
            affect  the  productivity  of  outdoor  workers  as  well  as  production  efficiency
            along  with  the  change  in  the  conditions  needed  by  agricultural  products.
            Temperature-related consequences can cause multiple indirect stresses (such
            as economic damage, soil loss, water and food insecurity). Climate change
            may  directly  trigger  other  catastrophic  risks,  such  as  international  conflict,
            or exacerbate the spread of infectious diseases and their spread risk. These
            can be strong extreme threat factors (Kemp et al., 2022). Even if they do not
            threaten settlements in coastal areas, they pose significant risks such as sea

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