Page 160 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 160

Traces of Possible Ancient Life From Mars to Earth:
                     An Assessment of The Microbial Ecology of Salda Lake and Its Protection

            society. IUCN points out the streamlining of nature-based solutions and blue-
            green infrastructure studies such as water harvesting and flood park for the
            sustainability of ecosystem services (IUCN, 2022). When providing solutions
            specific to the region and the city, the demographic structure of the society
            should be taken into account, public participation and stakeholder capacity
            should be addressed as a key in the planning process. In summary, it is possible
            to prevent possible material and moral losses by minimising the exposure
            level of the cities of the future by means of effective planning. In this regard,
            definition of local, regional or national tangible goals and development rules
            would be beneficial. While ensuring local economic development, the impact
            of decisions taken today on future generations should be considered at every
            step, bearing in mind the climate reality.


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