Page 294 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 294

The Effects of the 6 February Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes
                                      on the Business World

                  I have logistics problems in delivering my products   The building I perform my business activities was
                  to the customers.            damaged.

                  I have logistics problems in delivering my products   The building I perform my business activities was
                  to the customers.            damaged.

                  I lost my employees in the earthquake.  My machinery was damaged

            Diagram 8: Factors that Negatively Affect the Production of Industrial Enterprises After the
                 February 6 Earthquakes (1-5 Likert Scale; 1 is the minimum, 5 is the maximum)
                         Source: TOBB Earthquake Damage Assessment Studies
               When looking at the factors  that  negatively  affect  the  production  of
            industrial enterprises on a provincial basis, the provinces rank at first in the
            following  aspects:  Kilis  regarding  the  employees  failing  to  work  for  health
            and psychological reasons, Adana in the problems experienced in supplying
            raw  materials  and  intermediate  goods,  Sanliurfa  in  logistics  problems
            experienced in delivering manufactured products to customers, Kilis in the
            damage to machinery, Adiyaman in the damage to the operating building,
            and Kahramanmaras and Hatay in the loss of employees. It is observed that
            the effect of the earthquake differs in each 11 province.

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