Page 276 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 276

A New Model in Disaster Management:
                                  Turkish National Risk Shield Model

                  scientific opinions and suggestions that facilitate disaster management
                  by means of integrating the infrastructure, transportation, energy,
                  environment and all other areas into smart city applications.
               Climate Friendly Green Transformation Committee
               •   Integrating the climate-friendly green transformation studies of Türkiye
                  and its cities into new urbanization studies in the earthquake zone,
               •   Adaptation of green transformation policies in industry to the industrial
                  structures and industrial areas to be built in the region,
               •   Providing  contributions  on  nature  and  ecosystem  based  solutions
                  such as renewable energy, clean energy, rainwater harvesting, energy
                  efficiency, blue-grey-green infrastructure investments in order to adapt
                  to climate change in new urbanization studies,
               •   Developing  preventive  solution  mechanisms  and  strategies  against
                  disasters related to the climate crisis, especially drought, aridity, fires,
                  floods and other meteorological natural disasters.
               Urban and Rural Infrastructure Committee
               •   Within  the  scope  of  the  new  urbanization  studies,  designing  all
                  infrastructure in the earthquake zone including the urban infrastructure
                  and  mega  structures  in  accordance  with  resilient  city  concept,  and
                  setting out policies in this regard,
               •   Re-evaluating the studies carried out by the Ministry of Environment,
                  Urbanism and Climate Change through the Provincial Bank so far in
                  terms of seismicity and risk factors in the region,
               •   Integrating the infrastructure works to be conducted within the scope of
                  the new urbanization studies into climate-friendly green transformation
                  studies in the earthquake zone.
               Historical and Cultural Heritage Committee
               •   Evaluating  the  historical  and  cultural  structures  that  were  hit  by
                  earthquakes in the region but have survived, in terms of architectural
                  designs and building technologies,
               •   Using  sustainable  urban  planning  approaches  in  new  urbanization
                  studies,  revealing  a  holistic  perspective  about  historical  cities  in  the
                  disaster zone,
               •   Contributing  to  the  preservation  and  restoration  process  of  the
                  historical heritage damaged in the disaster zone on the basis of our
                  urbanization traditions and to the determination of policies compatible
                  with the vision of our country “Cities Sustaining our Civilization”,

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