Page 202 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 202

Designing Resilient Cities: Application
                                Guide Seeking, The Case Of İzmir Torbalı

          SECTORS      PURPOSE       STRATEGY      GOAL            ACTION
                                                   Building roads that
                                                   can be used more   Adding emergency
                                                   efficiently during   lanes to roads
                                                   disaster processes
                                     Reinforcing   Building secondary   Rearranging highways
          Transportation  transportation   transport network   roads  and secondary roads
                                     to facilitate
                                     access.       Creating biking lanes  Building bicycle lanes
                                                                   Deciding on the
                                                   Creating bus terminal  location of the new
                                                   area            bus terminal and
                                                                   increasing its capacity
                       Decreasing the              Identifying the factory  Taking the necessary
                       industrialization   Alternative energy   and businesses with   measures to minimize
                       effect in cities   production   high risks  the risks in this area
                       and maintaining
          Industry                   to maintain                   Directing the
                       sustainability of   sustainability in
                       natural resources           Determining areas for  developing industrial
                                     the city      growing population  area away from the
                                                                   urban center.
                                                                   Based on the location
                                                   The use of
                                     Taking the    wastewater, solar   receiving the most
                                                                   sunlight, building a
                                     interaction of   power, biogas and
                       Increasing                                  solar panel area, the
          Agriculture                climate data with   rainwater to support
                       efficiency                                  use of filtered water
                                     agricultural land   agriculture in order to   and rainwater in
                                     into account.  decrease costs and   agriculture, the use of
                                                   promote agriculture
                                                                   biogas in greenhouses
          Energy       The use of energy  Determining   Building a
                       supporting    areas for energy   preservation line for
                       resources     supporting    ENH
                                                   The use of solar
                                                   panels in residences
                                                   Creating agriculture-  Biogas facilities
                                                   based energy    based on animal
                                                   resources       waste and building
                                                                   a vermicomposting
          Social Build up   Based on the   Creating build up   Increasing social   creating social build
          Areas        target year,   areas that will meet  build up areas based   up areas and choosing
                       developing social   the need for the   on accessibility  location
                       build up areas   target population.
                       and increasing

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