Page 97 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 97

Aslı Ulubaş Hamurcu

                        Table 4 Assessment of Strategic Goals, Targets, Actions,
              Criticality Level of Actions and their Relationship with Urban Regeneration in the
                       2020-2023 NSCSAP (created by the author benefiting from
                      (the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 2019))

              Strategic   Targets        Actions       Criticality   Relationship with Urban
                                                       Level of
               Goals                                    Action      Regeneration
                                  A city-specific local smart city
                                  strategy and road map will be   Very   Direct Relationship
                                        prepared.       High
                                   The 2020-2023 National
                                   Smart Cities Strategy and
                                   Action Plan will be imple-  Very   Indirect Relationship
                                   mented, monitored and   High
                                  National smart city governan-
                                  ce mechanism and organiza-
                        Target 1.1  tion will be established and   High  Indirect Relationship
                                  its operability and sustainabi-
                                     lity will be ensured.
                                  Local smart city governance        Indirect/
                                  mechanism and organization
                                   will be established and its   Moderate  Direct Relationship
                                  operability and sustainability
              Strategic               will be ensured.
                       A smart city     Action.14
                        ecosystem                                    Indirect/
             An effective   governance   Cooperation and coordina-
              smart city   mechanism will   tion will be ensured among
              ecosystem   be established.  smart city stakeholders.  High  Direct Relationship
               will be
                                  Smart city information secu-
                                  rity governance mechanism
                                   and organization will be   Moderate  Indirect Relationship
                                   Personal data created and
                                   used within the scope of   High  Indirect Relationship
                                  smart city will be protected.
                                   A holistic and planned in-
                        Target 1.2  vestment environment will be
                                  provided for the effective and   Very High  Indirect Relationship
                         Holistic   efficient use of resources in
                         financial   smart city investments.
                         will be        Action.7
                       provided for                                  Indirect/
                       smart cities.  A financially encouraging and
                                  facilitating environment will
                                  be created in the smart city   Very High  Direct Relationship

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