Page 98 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 98

Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Regeneration

                                   Smart city maturity development   Very High  Indirect Relationship
                         Target 2.1  programs and guidance mechanism
                                  will be prepared and implemented.
                        The smart city
                        capacity of       Action.3
                        manufactu-  Using the smart city maturity deve-  High  Indirect Relationship
                        rers, solution   lopment model, the smart city index
                        providers and   will be created and its sustainabi-
                        service provi-  lity will be ensured.
               Strategic   ders will be
               Goal.2                     Action.13
              Smart city           The capacity of qualified human   High  Indirect Relationship
             regeneration         resources involved in the develop-
              capacity will       ment and delivery of urbanization
             be increased.           services will be increased.
                                    Environments that enable the
                         Target 2.2  transformation of city residents into   Moderate  Indirect Relationship
                                  smart city solution producers will
                        The smart city   be created.
                       capacity of city
                        residents will    Action.26
                        be Increased.
                                  Urban regeneration and urban de-  Moderate  Direct Relationship
                                  velopment areas will be considered
                                       as smart regions.
                                  Smart city terminology, smart city
                                   data dictionary, interoperability   Very High  Indirect Relationship
                                  model and reference architecture
                                      model will be created.


                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  87
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