Page 93 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 93

Aslı Ulubaş Hamurcu

            108  practices  and  establish  the  Esenler  Smart  City-Oriented  Specialized
            Technology Development Zone. The smart city components and action areas
            that these practices focus on are compiled in Table 1.

                   Table.1 The Smart City Components and Action Areas of the Esenler
                     Smart City-Oriented Specialized Technology Development Zone
                     (created by the author, quoted from (Esenler Municipality, 2023))

              Components           Action Areas

                                   smart  waste  collection,  separation  and  disposal;  smart  clean
              Smart Environment    and  wastewater  management;  smart  irrigation  and  rainwater
              Smart People         Living Lab

              Smart Transportation  parking management and guidance system; bike path and sha-
                                   ring; smart stop
                                   building  information  modeling;  integrated  building  security
              Smart Buildings      systems; integrated emergency systems; building-integrated
                                   waste  management;  smart  building  renewable  energy  sys-
                                   tems; green certified buildings; adaptive ventilation systems
                                   video monitoring and analysis systems; detecting human be-
              Smart Security       havior from images; acoustic detection and location detection;
                                   fire detection
              Smart Infrastructure  Scada system; gallery system; smart meters
              Smart Energy         smart street lighting; renewable energy applications

              Information technologies  technology development zones
               Within the scope of the Protocol, it was aimed to implement the urban
            regeneration project of 60,000 houses in 15 July Neighborhood/Esenler, and
            the first phase of this project was completed in August 2022 (“Life begins in
            Türkiye’s first smart city!” Minister Kurum announced by giving a date: “There
            will  be  new  urban  transformation  projects”  2022).  The  urban  regeneration
            areas include houses, workplaces, schools, technology development zones,
            hospitals, places of worship, cultural facilities, bicycle and pedestrian paths
            (Esenler  Municipality,  2023).  It  is  aimed  to  ensure  that  houses  will  have  a
            horizontal  architecture  and  be  produced  in  an  energy-efficient  manner
            using  zero-waste  and  climate-friendly  materials.  The  project  area  includes
            a 15 m  green area and a 30 m reinforcement area per capita. The Project
            is remarkable because it is the first example of a smart city implemented in
            Türkiye, and it is also an exemplary project carried out at the area/city scale,
            not at the scale of individual buildings.

             82  The Journal of Environment, Urban and Climate
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