Page 96 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 96

Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Regeneration

            compiled.  The  goals,  targets  and  actions  related  to  urban  regeneration
            processes  are  categorized  under  the  heading  of  direct  relations  in  Table
            4.  Subsequently,  national  or  local-scale  goals,  objectives  and  actions  that
            are  considered/anticipated  to  affect  the  urban  regeneration  process  were
            scanned, and the goals, targets and actions within this scope were categorized
            under the heading of indirect relations in the same table. When the findings
            regarding two types of relationships were identified as a result of the content
            analysis,  this  relationship  was  recorded  in  the  mentioned  table  under  the
            heading of indirect/direct relationship. A similar classification was made for
            the  performance  indicators  defined  particularly  for  the  actions  that  have  a
            direct/indirect  relationship  with  urban  regeneration,  and  the  findings  are
            presented under the heading of relationship in Table 5.
               Following  the  examination  of  the  targets  and  actions,  the  performance
            indicators defined for each action were grouped thematically in the context
            of their relationship with sustainable urban regeneration. For this grouping,
            Ulubaş Hamurcu and Aysan Buldurur’s study, in 2017, titled as Performance
            Indicators  for  Sustainable  Urban  Regeneration  was  used.  The  direct  and
            indirect relationships determined as a consequence of the content analysis
            between the sustainable urban regeneration components described in the
            aforementioned study and the performance indicators listed in the previous
            stage  are  marked  in  detail  in  Table  5.  As  in  the  previous  stage,  indirect
            relationships were also tried to be described, considering the performance
            indicators  that  were  thought/anticipated  to  provide  input  to  urban
            regeneration processes, even though they were not included in the definition
            of  action. In  addition,  for each  performance  indicator,  the measurement
            and evaluation at the national and (or) local scale targeted by the relevant
            performance indicator is categorized and presented in Table 5.

               4. Performance Measurement of Smart and Sustainable Urban Re-
               generation: Findings and Discussion

               According to the content analysis, there are a total of 13 actions directly
            related  to  urban  regeneration  and  a  total  of  112  performance  indicators
            defined under these actions in the 2020-2023 NSCSAP (see Table 4 and Table
            5). It has been determined that some of these indicators target measurement
            and evaluation at the national scale (101 performance indicators) and some at
            the local scale (93 performance indicators) (see Table 5).

                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  85
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101