Page 100 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 100

Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Regeneration

                             Target 4.1        Action.25
                                         The participation of users in
                            Stakeholder   the smart city solutions in the   Moderate  Indirect
                           participation in   development and improvement   Relationship
                          smart city solutions   of urban services will be
                           will be increased.  increased.

                                         In order to expand the use of   Moderate  Indirect
                             Target 4.2  urban services using the smart   Relationship
                                        city solutions, the service delivery
                                         channels will be improved and
                             The use of   their diversity will be increased.
                            services using
                          smart city solutions
                          will be expanded.    Action.21
                                         The promotion channels for   Moderate  Relationship
                                         urban services using the smart
              Strategic Goal.4          city solutions will be diversified.
                Smart city
               regeneration                    Action.12
              will be provided
              in urbanization                                  Moderate  Indirect
                services.                 With the use of smart city   Relationship
                                        solutions, urban services will be
                                         provided in service integrity.
                                                               Moderate  Indirect
                                          Maturity of the smart city   Relationship
                                         components will be improved.
                             Target 4.3
                             Maturity of
                            the smart city                      High     Indirect
                           components in   Maturity of the smart governance   Relationship
                           service integrity   component will be improved.
                           will be improved.
                                                               Very High
                                       Maturity of the smart environment   Relationship
                                         component will be improved.
                                              Action.15.3.               Indirect/
                                        Maturity of the smart economy    Direct
                                         component will be improved.   Relationship

                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  89
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