Page 94 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 94

Smart Cities and Sustainable Urban Regeneration

               2.2.2. MAtchUP: Antalya Kepez-Santral Smart Urban Regeneration Project

               There  are  8  countries  and  28  project  partners  in  the  MAtchUP  Project,
            which is supported within the scope of the EU Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and
            Communities  Program  and  covers  the  pilot  cities  of  Antalya,  Valencia  and
            Dresden (Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, 2017). The aim of the Project is
            to carry out the smart city practices with 42 different actions in three pilot
            cities.  The  Turkish  consortium  involves  Antalya  Metropolitan  Municipality,
            ANTEPE, Akdeniz University, Demir Enerji, SAMPAŞ and TAYSİM. The Project
            targets  include  “less  energy,  more  solutions”;  “smart  solutions,  better
            transportation”; “connected cities, livability”; and “smart city, city of people”
            (Antalya  Metropolitan  Municipality,  2017).  The  practices  planned  to  be
            implemented in line with these targets are compiled in Table 2.

             Table 2 The Targets and Practices of MAtchUP Project (created by the author, quoted
                            from (Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, 2017))

              Target                   Practices
                                       Energy-efficient  houses  and  public  spaces  with  smart
                                       lighting,  installation  of  solar  power  plants  and  storage
              “Less Energy, More Solutions”  systems for charging stations in public buildings, energy
                                       production from solid waste, solar farm with 5 MWp-ca-
                                       pacity in the Kepez-Santral region

                                       e-vehicles  and  charging  stations  for  the  fleet  of  Muni-
              “Smart Solutions, Better
              Transportation”          cipality; 2 e-buses, 30 e-scooters, 5 charging stations, 2
                                       smart intersections, 2 multi-modal transportation points
                                       open data portal, new open APIs and services, big data
              “Connected Cities, Livability”
                                       applications, internet of things applications
                                       The Participation– Co-Creation Model in Antalya; labo-
                                       ratory of economic and social life, preparation of the
                                       Sustainable Energy Action and Climate Adaptation Plan,
              “Smart City, City of People”
                                       generation of renewable energy at a regional scale, pro-
                                       duction of a local tool kit for storage and self-consumpti-
                                       on of renewable energy
               The project area is located in Antalya Kepez Neighbourhood and it was
            declared as a risky area based on the decision of the Council of Ministers
            dated  24.11.2014  and  numbered  2014/7041  and  published  in  the  Official
            Gazette No. 29216 of 25.12.2014. The project area is 1,327,300 m  (SAMPAŞ,
            2023).  More  than  7,000  people  are  expected  to  live  in  the  living  area  that
            will be “established” within the scope of the project (Antalya Metropolitan
            Municipality, 2017).

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