Page 45 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 45

Seda Kundak

            exhibited  similar  indecisiveness.  The  2019  survey  provides  results  showing
            that  the  proposition  of  living  in  high-rise  buildings  is  not  acceptable  in  a
            stronger way while the proportion of undecided people decreases. After the
            Silivri earthquake, the reluctance to live in high-rise buildings has increased to
            over 50%.
               In order for the structures to be identified as risky, it is necessary to evaluate
            them by performing a series of engineering checks. However, it is important to
            understand the scope of risky building concept from the point of view of the
            society since it is one of the criteria that can be taken into account when buying,
            renting or utilising a house. Considering the whole table, it is seen that all three
            propositions have been approved in a high level by the participants (Figure
            4). For the question of whether the old buildings are risky or not, opinions are
            differentiated in the 2019 survey and 33% of them states that old structures are
            not risky in the 4th Ring. The differentiation in 1st Ring is remarkable in the survey
            conducted after Silivri earthquake compared  to the previous periods. About
            16% of the participants in this region stated that they do not agree with the view
            that old structures are risky. When asked about the risky situation of unlicensed
            structures, it is seen that the Silivri earthquake did not create a differentiation on
            this proposition, although there is a higher approval compared to the previous
            question.  Although  the  opinions  about  the  risky  situation  of  the  structures
            with amended load-bearing system are parallel to the answers given to other
            questions, the proportion of those who disagree with this proposition or those
            who state that they are undecided is not to be ignored.
               This question package, which includes the risk assessments of the participants
            regarding the place of residence, was asked before the questions in the order
            in the questionnaire, in which the participants made assessments regarding
            risky structures in order not to manipulate their perceptions. However, the
            answers have been evaluated at this stage in order to ensure the integrity of
            the expression in this text. When the 2013 and 2019 surveys were compared,
            the participants’ opinions about both the region and the structure they live in
            evolved towards negative (Figure 5). In particular, looking at the results of the
            residents of the 4th Ring regarding the region and building they answered in
            2019 survey, it is seen that the proportion of those who consider the area they
            live in as risky is lower than the proportion of those who consider the building
            they live in as risky. While it was expected that the Silivri earthquake would
            increase the concern and sensitivity related to the issue, the assessment was
            quite opposite. There may be several reasons for this situation. They may have
            thought that both the region they live in and their structures are not as risky as
            they predicted taking the Silivri earthquake as reference. They may have felt
            the earthquake less or not at all, or the structure they live in may have been
            built after the 1999 earthquake.

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