Page 43 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 43

Seda Kundak

              Master’s Degree  11        2         4       1       1        0
              Employment Status
              Full-time        235       48       286      54      191      49
              Part-time        5         1         8       2       4        1
              Unpaid family worker  0    0         4       1       3        1
              Housewife        120       24       132      25      106      27
              Pensioner        87        18        48      9       35       9
              Student          25        5         21      4       30       8
              Unemployed       19        4         29      6       22       5
              Income status
              Very high        21        4         48      9       59       15
              Quite high       341       69       260      49      198      51
              Quite low        112       23       126      24      85       22
              Very low         12        2         34      6       22       6
              No answer        5         1         60      11      27       7
              Home ownership
              Homeowner        277       56       316      60      261      67
              Tenant           212       43       205      39      118      30
              Lodging          2         0         7       1       12       3

               2.3. Perceptions and expectations of urban transformation

               In the survey study conducted one year after the enforcement of Law No.
            6306 on urban transformation (2013), it is seen that the level of knowledge
            on  the  subject  is  higher  compared  to  the  following  years  (Figure  2).  The
            results  of  the  two  survey  studies  conducted  in  2019  can  be  interpreted  as
            the answers given in the first research showed that participants heard about
            the  law  rather  than  having  knowledge  about  it.  The  positive  and  negative
            aspects  of  the  transformation  examples  reflected  in  the  press  and  social
            media between 2013 and 2019 may have also allowed the survey participants
            to  question  their  level  of  knowledge.  When  asked  about  the  relationship
            between urban transformation and safe construction, there are no obvious
            parallels or contrasts between the survey periods and regions. In the 2013
            survey, participants living in areas other than the 4th Ring stated that they
            think they will live in a safe structure after urban transformation projects by 45-
            50%. Although the participation rate in this proposition in 2019, the difference

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