Page 44 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 44

Perception and Expectations of Urban
                                      Regeneration in Istanbul

            of opinion between the regions disappeared. In the interviews after the Silivri
            earthquake, it is seen that this rate increased again in the regions except for
            2nd Ring. When the preferences between structural reinforcement and urban
            transformation, which are often mentioned after the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake,
            are examined, it is seen that the proportion of those who stated their indecision
            on the subject is higher in the study held in 2013. In the next period, there is an
            average difference of about 3% which is in favour of transformation projects.
            After  the  Silivri  earthquake,  a  differentiation  depending  on  the  location  is
            observed. While the proportion of those who prefer urban transformation in
            the center is at the level of 45%, this ratio exceeds 50% in the direction of
            preference of structural reinforcement towards the periphery.
               Besides the urban transformation projects guarantee providing safe housing
            opportunities, the expectations of the interviewees are also increasing due to
            the fact that these projects take the burden of construction costs over the
            homeowners  with  the  increase  in  construction  coefficients  as  well  as  they
            have the potential for gains in terms of area or unit. The acceptance rate of
            having the same housing in the urban transformation project shows a trend
            of more than 40% for each survey period (Figure 3). In the 2013 survey, the
            participation of those who live in the 4th Ring is higher compared to the other
            three regions. Apart from this differentiation, while the findings in the 2013
            and 2019 interviews were at a similar level, The values in 1st Ring remain a few
            points below the average. On the other hand, in the survey conducted after
            the Silivri earthquake, with an increase in the average value over 50%, the
            increase in the acceptance ratio is noticeable in the 1st Ring which was lower
            than other regions before the earthquake. It is observed that the acceptance
            trend has increased above 50% in the proposition regarding the gain of more
            than  50%  in  the  housing  after  the  transformation.  Areas  of  differentiation
            in  regional  distribution  that  are  parallel  to  the  previous  question  can  be
            summarised as the participation in 4th Ring is higher than the other regions
            and  there  is  a  significant  increase  in  1st  Ring  after  the  Silivri  earthquake.
            Similarly, this differentiation is also remarkable in the post-transformation at
            least two-fold gain proposition. In the last question included in this group,
            the participants’ desire to live in high-rise buildings after transformation was
            evaluated. Although the survey results in 2013 differed by region, similar rates
            were observed among those who participated, those who did not participate
            and were undecided in terms of average.
               4.   There  may  be  two  different  reasons  for  the  excess  of  indecisive
            people in 1st and 4th Rings. Users may have been undecided about reaching
            high construction coefficients over the existing urban texture, due to the fact
            that the 1st Ring contains the most densely built-up areas. In the 4th Ring,
            the people who were accustomed to living in a low-density texture may have

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