Page 300 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 300

The Effects of the 6 February Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes
                                      on the Business World

               1.  “My Supplier is from Earthquake Zone” Program
               2.  National Food Retailers Provide Supplies from the Earthquake Zone
               3.  Support  for  Sellers  in  the  Earthquake  Zone  from  E-Commerce
               4.  Provision of Technical Support
               5.  Support for Protection and Enhancement of Employment
               •   March 6: The meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee
                  was attended by video conference and information was given about
                  the earthquake, its effects and reconstruction works.

               3.2. Visits

               The region was visited by delegations headed by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu,
            TOBB President, at various times in order to share the sorrow of our citizens
            in provinces  affected by the earthquakes and business world in the region.

               •   February  10-12:  Trade  unions  and  professional  organizations
                  representing workers, employers, civil servants, tradesmen, merchants
                  and industrialists visited the provinces affected by the earthquake and
                  gathered with the ministers in the region.

               •   February  17th:  Adıyaman  province  was  visited  with  business  world
                  organizations,  business  people  and  entrepreneurs.  A  meeting  was
                  held  with  Mehmet  Muş,  the  then  Minister  of  Commerce,  and  Adil
                  Karaismailoğlu, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure.
               •   February 24: Afşin and Elbistan districts were visited.
               •   February 27th: The provinces of Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa and Kilis were
               •   February  28th:  In  Gaziantep,  the  Chairman  of  41  Chambers  and
                  Commodity Exchanges in the region and Mehmet Muş the then Minister
                  of Commerce came together and the economic measures to be taken in
                  the normalization process of the region were discussed.
               •   February  28:  In  Gaziantep,  building  material  manufacturer  sector
                  assembly and NGO presidents and Murat Kurum the then Minister of
                  Environment, Urbanism and Climate Change gathered and the material
                  supply and price fixing policy for new constructions to be carried out in
                  11 provinces were discussed.
               •   February 28th: A meeting was held with the members of the Antakya
                  Commodity  Exchange.  The  steps  to  be  taken  in  the  field  of  food,
                  agriculture and animal husbandry were compiled.

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