Page 305 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 305

Zeynep Özdemir - Merve Özkaynak

               1.11 ha of active and 280 ha of passive green areas in İhsaniye Neighborhood;
            4 ha of passive green areas in Gökmedrese Neighborhood; 1.24 ha of active
            green areas in Sofular Neighborhood; 1.5 ha of active green areas in Bahçeleriçi
            Neighborhood; 0.85 ha of active green areas in Ellibeşevler Neighborhood;
            1.29 ha of active and 20 ha of passive green areas in Seyhcui Neighborhood;
            1.97 ha of active green areas in Akbilek Neighborhood; and 0.1 ha of active
            green  areas  in  Hacılar  Meydanı  Neighborhood.  The  active  green  areas  in
            Amasya specified as children’s playgrounds, neighborhood parks and urban
            parks  take  a  space  of  8.85  ha,  while  passive  green  areas  covers  312.4  ha
            including memorial forests, cemeteries, afforested areas and state forests with
            a limited use despite they are open to public (Table 2).

                   Table 2. Distribution of Active and Passive Green Spaces according to
             Part       Region         Urban Green Space             Total
                                                                     Passive Green
                                       Urban Forest     8.4     8.4
                        I. Region                                       Space
                        (Hızırpaşa     Children's Playground  0.06
                        Neighb.)                               1.79  Active Green
                                       Urban Forest     1.73            Space
                                                                     Passive Green
             PART I:                   Urban Forest     280     280     Space
                        II. Region
             Historical   (İhsaniye Neighb.)  Children's Playground  0.07  0.11  Active Green
             Core                      Children's Playground  0.04      Space

                        III. Region (Gök-                            Passive Green
                        Cemetery medre-  Cemetery       4       4       Space
                        se Neighb.)
                                       Urban Forest     1.1
                        IV. Region     Children's Playground  0.03  1.24  Active Green
                        (Sofular Neighb.)                               Space
                                       Children's Playground  0.11
                                       Urban Park       0.24
                                       Children's Playground  0.3
                        V. Region (Bahçe-  Children's Playground  0.6  1.5  Active Green
                        leriçi Neighb.)                                 Space
                                       Urban Park       0.20
             PART II:                  Urban Park       0.16
                                       Children's Playground  0.13
                        VI. Region (Elli-   Children's Playground  0.28  0.85  Active Green
                        beşevler Neighb.)  Children's Playground  0.32  Space
                                       Children's Playground  0.12

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