Page 307 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 307
Zeynep Özdemir - Merve Özkaynak
Table 3. Adequacy of Green Spaces in Neighborhoods According to the Standards
Region / Population Current Gerekli Existing Evaluation
Neighborhood (persons) Numberd Alan(ha) Area(ha)
I. Region 1 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.06 Inadequate
(Hızırpaşa Neighb.) 1 Kent Parkı 4-80 1.73 Inadequate
II. Region
2420 2 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.11 Adequate
(İhsaniye Neighb.)
PART III. Region
1151 0 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0 Inadequate
IV. Region 2 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.24 Inadequate
(Sofular Neighb.) 1 Kent Parkı 4-80 1.1 Inadequate
V. Region
11539 3 Parks 6-12 0.6 Inadequate
(Bahçeleriçi Neighb.)
VI. Region
Ellibeşevler 9756 4 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.85 Adequate
VII. and VIII Regions
(Şeyhcui 24.489 5 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.78 Inadequate
IX. Region 2 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 1.73 Adequate
III. 9559
(Akbilek Neighb.) 1 Park 2-4 0.24 Inadequate
X. Region
15612 1 Çocuk Parkı 0.8-1.6 0.1 Inadequate
(Hacılar Mey.Nei-
After evaluating the findings from the analyses conducted in the study,
the green area ratio was determined according to the surface areas of
the neighborhoods. The active green area ratios of the neighborhoods
according to their areas are found as 2.6% in Hızırpaşa Neighborhood;
0.2% in Ihsaniye Neighborhood; 1.24% in Sofular Neighborhood; 2.7% in
Bahçeleriçi Neighborhood; 1.1% in Ellibeşevler Neighborhood; 0.7% in
Şeyhcui Neighborhood; 1.7% in Akbilek Neighborhood and 0.1% in Hacılar
Meydanı Neighborhood. When the neighborhoods are compared with each
other, Sofular Neighborhood ranks first, Bahçeleriçi Neighborhood as second
292 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate