Page 238 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 238

Evaluation of Surface Runoff Risk in The Frame of Landscape Pattern:
                                The Case of Kastamonu Central District

            Among the factors posing a threat for taxa, there are unplanned activities for
            tourism and recreation and unplanned construction works for these activities,
            forest fires, conversion of natural shrub and pasture habitats into agricultural
            land, uncontrolled picking of natural species such as wild orchids to use them
            in food-medicine-clothing etc. sectors, overgrazing on the land included in the
            Alpine zone in particular, and road construction and quarry-mining activities.

               2. Method

               Surface runoff is a phenomenon that has a direct relationship with the
            characteristics of land use/land cover classes and the spatial arrangement of
            the  patches  constituting  these  classes.  Different  LU/LC  classes  has  various
            capabilities in terms of managing the stormwater. Schueler (1987) emphasizes
            that  areas covered  with vegetation (especially forests)  can delay  surface
            runoff  by  50%  compared  to  urban  cover.  According  to  data  compiled  by
            US  Environmental  Protection  Agency-EPA,  the  Federal  Interagency  Stream
            Restoration Working Group-FISRWG in line with national engineering
            guidelines and hydrology data, precipitation waters in an urban area
            with  a  75%-100%  impervious  surface  returns  back  to  atmosphere  by  30%
            evapotranspiration while it initiates surface runoff by 55%. On the other hand,
            precipitation waters undergo evapotranspiration by 40% on a land which is
            covered with vegetation (mainly forest) with less than 10% impervious surface,
            and  initiate  surface  runoff  by  only  10%.  Although  the  reaction  of  different
            LU/LC  classes  to  the  surface  runoff  varies,  the  relationship  of  the  spatial
            arrangement of these classes to this process arouses curiosity.
               The research consists of three steps. In the first step, the surface runoff
            risk was evaluated based on the analytical hierarchy process. In the second
            step, landscape pattern analysis was performed in order to have information
            about the spatial arrangement of different classes in the research area
            classified according to the CORINE classification system. In the last step, the
            surface runoff risk was evaluated according to the landscape structure and the
            spatial arrangement of the LU /LC classes, and suggetions were made for the
            sustainable development of the Central district of Kastamonu.

               2.1. Surface Runoff Risk Analysis Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

               The analysis and comparison of a number of alternatives requires balancing
            the  different  types  of  effects  in  such  a  way  to  reach  a  consideration  for
            the value of each alternative. Multi-criteria analysis can make the criteria
            systematic in the cases where it is necessary to evaluate more than one factor
            at the same time. This type of analysis provides a framework that integrates
            the information about the effects with the preferences of decision makers by

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