Page 290 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 290

Evaluation Of Vulnerability On Turkish Coastal Provinces With Gis

            flood and overflow, coastal erosion, the concentration of urban uses around
            coastal areas due to the elevation of land, and the increase in land reclamation
            practices, and the rise in sea levels due to land reclamation utilized in certain
            structures, and the high percentage of elderly population. The reason for the
            medium level vulnerability of Çanakkale include the risk of earthquakes, forest
            fires, and the existence of big infrastructure investments. Bursa is a vulnerable
            coastal  due  to  earthquake  risk,  the  population  density  above  the  rate  of
            children  in  the  population,  and  the  increased  forest  fires  caused  by  large
            industrial facilities. The two factors that increase the vulnerability of Balıkesir
            are the risk of earthquakes and the high percentage of elderly population.
            In  Kocaeli  and  Sakarya,  earthquake  risk,  increased  population  growth  and
            unemployment  increases  vulnerability.  In  Aydın,  the  main  reasons  for  the
            vulnerability of the city area earthquake risk, land elevation, coastal erosion,
            and the high percentage of the elderly and children in the population (Figure
               The  vulnerability  levels  of  Turkish  coastal  cities  show  physical,  spatial,
            economic  and  social  differences.  According  to  physical  vulnerability
            assessment, depending on the frequency of drought, lack of rain, seasonal
            anomalies, coastal erosion, forest fires, floods and overflows, all cities with a
            coast to the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea as well as Kastamonu, which has
            a coast to Black Sea are highly vulnerable (Figure 3).

                Figure 3: The study of the physical vulnerability levels of coastal cities in Türkiye.

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