Page 293 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 293
Hilal Tulan Işıldar - Özge Yalçıner Ercoşkun
Figure 6: The study of the social vulnerability levels of coastal cities in Türkiye
(Created by the writers)
Social vulnerability study reveals the importance of analyzing anthropogenic
activities in coastal cities and the need for spatial planning. Also, for all coasts,
it is important to maintain and plan an integrated management (Erçoşkun,
2017: 1-13).
Results and Suggestions
Türkiye is a country with a longer coastal line in proportion to its surface
area than many countries due to its geographical location. The coastal areas
in Türkiye provide environmental, cultural and economic richness. However,
Türkiye is located in the Mediterranean Basin, which is characterized by
increased temperatures and low precipitation. In coastal cities, the effects of
climate change and the pressure of human activities are increasing everyday.
The analyses revealed that unless necessary measures are taken in coastal cities,
extreme weather conditions and the rise in sea levels will result in an increased
in the salt rate in fresh water resources. Agricultural lands are damaged wither
through drought, or through floods and overflows. Depending on the climate
change, deaths due to extreme weather conditions and increased forest fires
still continue. Fishing and aquaculture will nto be possible due to increased
climate change and pollution. The disposal of industrial and household waste
in to the seas, and the pollution caused by shipping trade and harbors, result
279 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate