Page 288 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 288

Evaluation Of Vulnerability On Turkish Coastal Provinces With Gis

            disorganized urbanization and the potential earthquake risk in many coastal
            cities threaten the sustainability of coastal cities (Reguero- Griggs, 2022: 996;
  , Accessed: 15.05.2022).
               Türkiye,  which  has  a  coast  to  the  Aegean  Sea,  Marmara  Sea,  and  Black
            Sea, with a coastal length of 8333, has 28 coastal cities, and approximately
            45% of the population live in coastal cities (Figure 1). It is estimated that the
            effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities on coastal cities will
            lead to not only environmental and ecological threats, but also bring about
            other serious threats such as food crisis, social inequality, health issues and
            economic losses. This requires the discussion of economic and social incidents
            while  determining  vulnerability  (www.cip.  tuik.  Accessed:  15.05.2022;
            Yalçınkaya, 2021: 924-950).

                        Figure 1: The coastal cities of Türkiye (Created by the writers)

               4. Findings

               Physical,  spatial,  economic  and  social  indicators  are  assigned  points
            based on their effect levels. Their effect rates are as follows: physical 45%,
            spatial 15%, economic 11%, social 29%. According to the vulnerability study
            implemented  through  Weighted  overlay  analysis,  all  the  Mediterranean
            coastal cities are highly vulnerable. The reasons include the rise in sea levels in
            all seas along the coasts of Türkiye. In the Mediterranean Sea alone, in the last
            20 years, there has been a 6-cm increase in sea levels. Other reasons include

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