Page 286 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 286

Evaluation Of Vulnerability On Turkish Coastal Provinces With Gis

                 •   All  data  was  converted  to  raster  data  through  Feature  to  Raster
                 •   The resulting raster data was reclassified to be used in weighted
                     overlay analysis.
                 •   Thanks to the process done with Reclassify command, all complexity
                     in all the raster data set is eliminated, which allowed the reduction
                     of the data to a certain evaluation criteria.
                 •   After  the  classification  process,  the  Weighted  Overlay  analysis  is
                     implemented based on the data. During this process, each piece of
                     data was assigned a point depending on their level of effect. Thus,
                     the effect of each indicator on the analysis was observed.
                 •   As a result of all these processes, a map was created on costal cities
                     with high, medium and low vulnerability.
               For the vulnerability analysis, a data set was created based on the studies in this
            area. The data set on Table 1 is caterorized as physical, spatial, economic and social.
                            Table 1: The indicator set created for coastal cities

                                     Indicator                              Indicator
                   Indicator Name             Indicator Effect  Indicator Unit
                                     Period                                Effect Rate
                  Flood and Overflow   1950-2020   Positive  Number of occurrence
                     Landslide      1950-2020   Positive  Number of occurrence
                     Avalanche      1950-2020   Positive  Number of occurrence
                Desertification Sensitivity   2020   Positive  High-Medium-Low

            PHYSICAL  Area Damaged in Forest Fires   2019-2020   Positive  Number of occurrence  45%
                    Forest Fires
                Water-based Soil Erosion    2020   Positive  High-Medium-Low

                Temperature Anomalies   1991-2020   Positive  Existent-Non-existent
                   Earthquake Risk    2021      Positive   High-Medium-Low
                  Rise in Sea Levels   2021     Positive   High-Medium-Low

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