Page 228 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 228

Urban Resilience Practices To Climate
                                      Change: Case Of Denizli

               Denizli Metropolitan Municipality categorizes the smart applications in the
            institution and organizations within the municipality in 6 different categories.
            These categories are transportation, environment, energy, water management,
            information systems and smart applications. The smart city applications within
            each category are given in the tables (Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).
                         Table 3: Smart city applications in the field of transportation

            Project          The Aim of the Project             Advantages
                      With the system to be provided to manage
                      the city transport network more efficiently,
                       affectively, in a planned, expandable, and
                      sustainable manner, creating a traffic control   In terms of fuel consumption, In rush
                      area, gaining data related to transportation   hours, in a junction used by around
             Traffic   network and relevant data,  automatically   24.500 vehicles per hour, the wasted
          Management     updating the signalized junctions  amount will be reduced. This will
            System                                     decrease air pollution and greenhouse
            Project      periods through traffic data. Creating   gas emissions.
                       traffic congestion maps, live surveillance
                       through traffic cameras with recording
                          function, applications to create
                        technological infrastructure  towards
                          different purposes in the future.
                      In consecutive signalized junctions, drivers   With the Green Wave System, citizens
                      may end up consistently at red lights. The
           Green Wave   coordinated traffic signalization to solve   can save fuel as well as time.
                       this issue is usually called “green wave
                             coordination systems”
                                                        Thanks to the location information,
                        Thanks to this system, the momentary
                       information (location, distance, speed,   whether the drivers use the vehicles
            Vehicle                                     within the given time and duties can
            Tracking    etc.) about vehicles can be tracked online   be reported. This report can give
                        through a central computer as well as
            System                                     information about momentary or past
                      smart phones, and detailed reports can be   locations of the vehicles as well as the
                                                          distance they have travelled.
                       Thanks to smart card application, Denizli
                        Card has been put into use. The card
           Smart Card   allows citizens to choose the suitable   It is possible to maintain safety through
            and  Free                                  decreasing accident risks. Moreover,
          Wi-Fi Services   card for themselves depending on the   thanks to smart data, it is easier to reach
            on Buses  frequency of rides. Also, instead of the now   accurate information
                      forbidden use of cash, all bus rides can be
                       paid for through contactless payment.

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