Page 230 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 230

Urban Resilience Practices To Climate
                                      Change: Case Of Denizli

                       Table 6: Smart city applications in the field of water management

           Project           The Aim of the Project         Advantages
                             SCADA  is the system that is used for
                             quick management of drinking water
                             facilities in the water supply network,   Through the use of SCADA
                             during the transmission of water from   system, it is possible to use
           SCADA System      source to the final consumer. Moreover,   water efficiently, save energy
                             during the disposal and treatment of
                             waste water, the system needs to be   and track water quality.
                             tracked and managed, which is why the
                             SCADA system is used.
           Smart Drip Irrigation   Irrigation is done based on the humidity
           System            data of the soil and the air, and the   Efficient irrigation saves
                             relevant data is stored. Also, the system
                             allows efficient irrigation in the desired   energy and water.
                             time and amounts.

                       Table 7: Smart city applications in the field of information systems
           Project          The Aim of the Project          Advantages
                            Citizens can detect the closest safe   Through quick access to
                            assembly and temporary shelter areas   data, the potential to take
                            using the location information of their
           Disaster Information   smart phones from their houses, and   action during or after a crisis
           System                                           increases.
                            can see how to get to these locations on
                            digital maps through detailed, step by
                            step instructions.
                            In terms of technical services provided by
                            local governments in urban areas, quick   Thanks to this system, future
                            access to updated map-based locational
           Geographical     information in addition to current written   land uses in the cities will be
                                                            more efficient. Moreover, it
           Information Systems  documents gains importance. Therefore,   will improve urban ecosystem
                            the Geographical Information Systems   diversity and social welfare.
                            (GBS) technology is an efficient decision-
                            support tool for urban governments.
                            The Electronic Document Management
                            System (EDMS), includes the necessary   This project aims to decrease
                            infrastructure for document management   paper waste within an
           e-Signature Project
                            through e-signature. It allows authorized   institution. This will decrease
                            personnel to provide qualified electronic   the amount of paper waste.

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