Page 226 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 226

Urban Resilience Practices To Climate
                                      Change: Case Of Denizli

                             Table 2: Mitigation and adaptation action plans
                         MITIGATION                        ADAPTATION
                           Buildings                  Agriculture and Ecosystems
                            Energy                   Water and Waste water Services
                         Transportation                    Transportation
                       Waste-Waste water                     Industry
                           Industry                           Energy
                  Agriculture and Livestock Breeding       Public Health

               The  results  of  the  projection  below  are  based  on  HadGEM2-ES  model,
            RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. As part of the Climate Change for Denizli 2015-
            2044  (short-term)  and  2045-2074  (long  term)  periods,  in  temperatures  and
            precipitation regimes,
                 •   An increase in the number of extremely hot days for all periods,
                 •   An increase in heat waves,
                 •   An increase in precipitation density,
                 •   A change in precipitation, particularly a decrease in precipitation in
                     summer rains.
                 •   And an increase in drought indicators are expected.
               As seen in Figure 4, in Denizli, a change from semi-dry and semi-wet climate
            to dry climate is anticipated.
                              CMIP5 Precipitation Change Projection   CORDEX Precipitaion Change Projection

                  Figure 4: The anticipated precipitation change in Türkiye based on the RCP8.5
                                  scenarios of CMIP5 and CORDEX.
               The CMIP5 projection involving the RCP8.5 scenario points to the fact that
            precipitation will not change until 2035. On the other hand, it is anticipated
            that especially in Southern regions, there will be a decrease in precipitation.

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