Page 224 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 224

Urban Resilience Practices To Climate
                                      Change: Case Of Denizli

            location  will  depend  on  the  socio-economic  level  and  vulnerability  of  the
            affected groups (DBB, 2019: 108). The studies aiming for creating a resilient
            city are given below:

               3. Resilient City Against Climate Change: Denizli Application Area

               Funded  as  part  of  the  European  Union  Instrument  for  Pre-accession
            Assistance (IPA) and implemented under the supervision of the Central Finance
            and Contracts Unit and the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
            Change in the scope of the Capacity Building in the Field of Climate Change
            in Türkiye, the project Power the Revolution for Climate Action Project was
            implemented  under  the  coordination  of  Denizli  Metropolitan  Municipality.
            The project was implemented in Denizli for 24 months.
               The main aims of the project are
                 •   To  contribute  to  the  national  efforts  towards  mitigation  of
                     greenhouse gasses in the fight against climate change,
                 •   To adapt to the current and potential effects of climate change on
                     humans and ecological systems through mitigating these effects,
                 •   And to raise awareness on municipality personnel and local decision
                     makers concerning climate change.
               Within the framework of the project, Denizli Climate Change Action Plan
            (2016-2030), involving mitigation and adaptation actions was prepared. With
            this  action  plan,  Denizli  became  the  third  metropolitan  city  to  prepare  a
            mitigation and adaptation action plan. The plan aims for a 21% decrease in
            the increases in greenhouse gases in Denizli as of 2030. This target is in line
            with national as well as international targets.
               a. Denizli Climate Change Action Plan
               The  vision  of  action  plans  has  been  determined  as  “rendering  Denizli
            an  exemplary  low-carbon,  climate-resilient  city”.  In  the  light  of  this  vision,
            a realistic goal has been set to decrease 21% greenhouse gas emissions at
            the  city  scale  by  21%.  Considering  the  National  Determined  Contribution
            (NDC) of Türkiye, the target year has been determined as 2030. It has been
            decided to set this goal for mitigation of greenhouse gas increases in line
            with the national goals of Türkiye, and considering the population increase
            in the target year, to set the target as per capita. It is possible to render the
            city resilient against climate change and achieve emission mitigation targets
            through the leadership of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and the high level
            of awareness among the stakeholders.

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