Page 219 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 219

Ramazan Değirmenci - Gözde Nur Akşan - Seçil Hadımlıoğlu - Berna Yılmaz

            supports many environmental projects at a national and international level.
            The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
            held in Rio in 1992 led to more direct results concerning the climate issue. In
            this conference, three major agreements were signed under the title, United
            Nations  Framework  Convention  on  Climate  Change  (UNFCCC).  The  main
            goal of UNFCCC is to balance the anthropogenic factors of the greenhouse
            gas emissions within boundaries that will not endanger climate risks.  (United
            Nations, 1992: 4). The Conference of the Parties (COP) was held as part of this
            convention every year (Table 1).
                 Table 1: All Conferences of the Parties (the locations where they were held , COP
                              numbers and the name of the Conference)

         Location    Session  Conference         Location   Session  Conference
                              Kyoto Climate Change                  Copenhagen Climate
            Kyoto                                Copenhagen
            Japan     COP 3   Conference - December   Denmark  COP 15  Change Conference -
                                    1997                              December 2009
                               Buenos Aires Climate                   Cancun Climate
          Buenos Aires   COP 4  Change Conference -   Cancun    COP 16  Change Conference-
           Argentina                               Mexico
                                November 1998                         November 2010
                              Bonn Climate Change                     Durban Climate
             Bonn                                  Durban
           Germany    COP 5   Conference - October   South Africa  COP 17  Change Conference-
                                    1999                              November 2011
          The Hague
                               The Hague Climate                       Doha Climate
                      COP 6   Change Conference -   Doha    COP 18  Change Conference-
             The                November 2000       Qatar             November 2012
                                                                      Warsaw Climate
             Bonn             Bonn Climate Change   Warsaw
           Germany   COP 6-2  Conference - June 2001  Polland  COP 19  Change Conference-
                                                                      November 2013
                               Marrakech Climate                       Lima Climate
           Marrakech   COP 7  Change Conference -   Lima    COP 20  Change Conference-
           Morocco                                  Peru
                                 October 2001                         December 2014
           New Delhi           New Delhi Climate    Paris              Paris Climate
                      COP 8   Change Conference -           COP 21  Change Conference-
             India               October 2002      France             November 2015
                              Milano Climate Change                  Marrakech Climate
            Milano                                Marrakech
             Italy    COP 9  Conference – December   Morocco  COP 22  Change Conference-
                                    2003                               October 2016
                               Buenos Aires Climate                 UN Climate Change
          Buenos Aires   COP 10  Change Conference –   Bonn    COP 23  Conference- October
           Argentina                              Germany
                                December 2004                             2017

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