Page 220 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 220

Urban Resilience Practices To Climate
                                      Change: Case Of Denizli

                                Montreal Climate                     Katowice Climate
           Montreal   COP 11  Change Conference –   Katowice   COP 24  Change Conference-
            Canada                                 Poland
                                December 2005                         December 2018
                              Nairobi Climate Change                UN Climate Change
            Nairobi   COP 12  Conference – December   Madrid    COP 25  Conference -
            Kenya                                   Spain
                                    2006                              December 2019
                               Bali Climate Change   Glasgow
           Indonesia  COP 13  Conference – December
                                    2007         Great Britain       Glasgow Climate
            Poznan   COP 14  Poznan  Climate  Change   and the   COP 26  Change Conference -
                                                                      November 2021
                             Conference  –  December   of Northern
            Polland          2008                  Ireland
               In COP3, held in Kyoto, Japan, the Kyoto Protocol was agreed on by parties
            in line with UNFCCC goals. The agreement of international community on a
            new regime or protocol for the success of Kyoto Protocol took a long time.
            Türkiye officially became a party to the Kyoto Protocol in 2009.Since Turkey was
            not a party to the UNFCCC in 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, and
            therefore was not included in the Kyoto Protocol list, it did not take the digitized
            greenhouse gas mitigation and limitation obligation in the first commitment
            period between 2008 and 2012. Türkiye did not undertake any commitments in
            the second commitment period between the years 2013-2020. However, Türkiye
            was responsible for preparing a national report and greenhouse gas inventory,
            which was required for every country (Kaba, 2020: 25).
               Finally, in December 2015, in the COP 21 the Paris Agreement was agreed.
            The  key  aspects  of  the  Paris  agreement  can  be  listed  as  follows  (United
            Nations, 2016: 19):
                 •   The need for an effective and progressive response to the urgent
                     threat of climate change should be recognized.
                 •   The specific needs and special circumstances of countries that are
                     particularly  vulnerable  to  the  adverse  effects  of  climate  change
                     should be recognized as provided for in the Convention.
                 •   Climate change actions, responses and impacts should be in line with
                     sustainable development and should be efficient in eradicating poverty.
                 •   In the face of the adverse effects of climate change, the goals of food
                     production systems to ensure food security and ending hunger should
                     be taken into account, and actions should be taken accordingly.
                 •   When taking action to address climate change, the Parties should
                     respect  promote  and  consider  their  respective  obligations  on
                     human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples,
                     local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and

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