Page 195 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 195

Gamze Kazancı Altınok

                   Table 2: Studies on climate change and urban growth on National Thesis Center

      Year of        Field of Study       Type of   Scheme of    The stressed urban growth
       Study                               Study      Study            dynamics
             The spatial impacts of urban sprawl   M.A. Thesis  Urbanization  The contribution of urban sprawl
       2011  on natural resources, an example of                    to climate change
                   Istanbul, Cekmekoy
              Investigation of urban heat island   M.A. Thesis  Meteorology  The effect of population growth
       2016  intensity and developing mitigation                   on urban heat island
                  strategies for Istanbul
              The urban growth effects over the   M.A. Thesis  Urbanization  The effect of population growth,
       2016   local climate. Change in the case                migration and economic growth
                      of Bursa.                                     on climate change

                Urban resilience as a policy   PhD Thesis  Urbanization  Restriction of urban growth due
              paradigm for sustainable urban                     to climate change/resilience
             planning and urban development:
                  The case of Istanbul
               Evaluation of urban residential   M.A. Thesis  Urbanization  The  contribution of population
             areas with the ecological planning                 growth and urban expansion to
               framework: The case of Meram                          climate change
                    district in Konya
               The section in blue in Table 2 shows the stressed urban growth dynamics
            and their relationship to urban growth. According to the table, the effects of
            urban growth dynamics such as population growth and urban expansion on
            climate change are discussed in the context of the city. Additionally, as seen in
            Table 2, the studies covers a period from 2011 to date. It is also worth noting
            that overall, M.A. level studies on the issue are small in number.
               In addition to UTM, in the search on Google Scholar with the keywords,
            “urban growth” and “climate change”, three studies stand out. The first of
            these studies was dated 2017 and called “The urban growth effects over
            the local climate. Change in the case of Bursa”. The study emphasizes that
            uncontrolled growth results in changes in local land use, which affect local
            climate change parameters (Moradi and Tamer, 2017: 27). Moreover, it states
            that rural areas and agricultural land are also under the pressure of urban
            growth, and there is a close relationship between planning decisions and urban
            growth (Moradi and Tamer, 2017: 34). Similarly, the findings of the 2018 study,
            “Climate Change: Global, Regional and Urban Effects” suggest that urban
            growth policies have a direct effect on the increase in the effects of climate
            change. The study also states that to mitigate such effects, it is important to
            create climate sensitive policies in regional and urban planning (Kahraman
            and Şenol, 2018: 367). In 2019, the study conducted as part of İklimIN project,
            “Interactions of Climate Change, Sustainable Cities and Urban Planning” also
            suggests that World cities have a growth trend. This trend, however, causes

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