Page 199 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 199

Gamze Kazancı Altınok

            development in our country, land appropriation decisions are changed and
            new settlements and new urban areas are shaped (Balaban and Gedikli, 2018:
               Türkiye’s  National  Climate  Change  Adaptation  Strategy  and  Action  Plan
            (2011) covering the period 2010-2023 and Türkiye’s Climate Change Risk
            Management (2012) are considered as two fundamental documents towards
            determining the framework for the effects of climate change and climate
            change adaptation (Kazancı, 2019: 35; Tayanç et al, 2009: 491). Additionally,
            the 11th 5-year Development Plan prepared in 2919 focuses largely on energy
            security and use of resources. These three documents form the basis of
            most of the climate change policies and measures at a national level. The
            documents below on climate change prepared by international institutions as
            well as national institutions in Türkiye are reviewed from the perspective urban
            growth perspective (Table 3).
             Table 3: The review of documents by international institutions and documents in Türkiye

                                      International Institutions
         Institutions  Report Name   Years     Climate Change Adap-  Growth Policies
                                               tation Strategies
         UN-Habitat  Climate Change in  2016, 2011  Promotion of low-carbon  Control through plans at
                     National  Urban  Pol-     development        a local level
         UNDP        Sustainable  Devel- 2015  Improving the  planning  Mitigation of urban ex-
                     opment Goals              process            pansion
         EC          Evaluation of EU  2018, 2019  Regulation of economic  Promotion  of  green
                     strategies in terms       activities         growth approach
                     of adaptation to cli-
                     mate change / EU
                     Green Deal
         IIED        Adapting to Climate  2007  Determining  loca-  Supporting local admin-
                     Change in Urban Ar-       tion-specific  effects  of  istrations
                     eas                       climate change
         IPCC        5  Assessment Re- 2014    Establishing a local and  Developing  a  cli-
                     port                      national  governance mate-centered design
         OECD        Green growth/ Cli- 2012, 2015  Policies on the quality of  New economic models/
                     mate change risk          life/ Developing effec-  Developing a resilient
                     and  adaptation  –        tive land use policies  growth approach taking
                     policy and economy                           the effects of climate
                                                                  change into consider-

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