Page 192 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 192

Urban Growth - Climate Change

            emerge. If fresh water demand increases due to urban expansion, ecosystem
            will run out of its capacity to provide services, and migration movements from
            regional to global areas will take place due to concerns about human health.
            Therefore, the existing resources in the city should be organized according
            to development decisions/policies. In addition, instead of creating new
            development areas, the policy of organizing present urban areas should be
               Another push factor of urban growth is defined as migration (Black et al,
            2008:  5).  As  long  as  people  keep  moving  from  rural  areas  to  urban  areas,
            urban  growth  will  increase  exponentially  (United  Nations,  2001:  15),  which
            creates vulnerability against climate change. For instance, extreme weather
            conditions and natural disasters caused by climate change usually affect
            vulnerable groups and immigrants in cities more. Thus, it is stated that
            migration may result in socioeconomic fragilities (IPCC, 2007: 33). Furthermore,
            migration results in increased human activities in cities, which constitute an
            anthropogenic push factor for climate change. As a result, migration leads to
            increased greenhouse gas emissions (Drake, 2013: 440).
               Another  issue  concerning  urban  growth  is  land  use  policies  (Zullo  et  al,
            2019: 1745). In fact, land use policies are seen as not only a spatial, but also
            a political solution to mitigate the effects of climate change. The main issue
            here is to how to apply land use policies in cities according to local features
            (Müller and Höfer, 2014: 111). For instance, when climate change effects such
            as rising sea levels take place, coastal settlements may be greatly affected by
            them, which is highly related to land use policies. If facilities are constructed in
            risky areas due to the desire for urban growth, the effect of climate change will
            be felt on residences as well as commercial and sociocultural facilities, which
            has the capacity to destroy urban settlements (United Nations, 2001: 26). Land
            appropriation decisions must be rearranged especially in coastal cities against
            the effects of climate change. To illustrate, according to Scheurer et al (2013),
            settlements located on the coastal regions of the city may be exposed to
            extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes and rising sea levels. However,
            it is emphasized that the weather conditions experienced in areas with little
            to no urban activities and dense vegetation will be relatively less severe. For
            this reason, it is critical to arrange the content of land use policies without
            disrupting the effects of climate change. On the other hand, as land use
            policies cope with interest at various scales, they are seen as an important
            means for mitigating the effects of climate change (Scheurer et al, 2013: 9;
            O’Donnell, 2019: 130). It is also stressed that development of land use policies
            depend on not only the vision of the centralized management, but also that of
            local managements and local dynamics (O’Donnell, 2019: 140).

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