Page 35 - Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi - Sayı 1
P. 35



                                 Mehmet Emin BİRPINAR

          Environmental problems seem as the main cause of many disasters and epidemics. The Covid-19
          epidemic, which has been on the world agenda for more than a year is actually a basic reflection of en-
          vironmental degradation. While the world is tightly clamped to the epidemic and is in a fight against
          the epidemic, it is also facing the global climate crisis, which makes its presence felt all the time. Yes,
          the climate crisis is undoubtedly the leading environmental problem experienced today.
          In the report on the Physical Foundations of Climate Change, the first of the Sixth Assessment Report
          of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which brings together the most compre-
          hensive scientific studies on climate change, it is stated that the risks related to climate change will be
          earlier and more dangerous than expected. In the report, it was warned that it is 1.1 C warmer than the
          pre-industrial period, and the effects of this will increase exponentially when the temperature is 1.5 C
          or 2 C as compared to the pre-industrial period.
          Fires in California, Siberia, Greece and Turkey that our world has faced recently; floods in Europe,
          China and India; destructive and shocking events such as heat dome in Siberia and Canada are all con-
          sidered by scientists as the results of the 1.2 C increase in global temperature However, while the war-
          nings continue, temperatures still on the rise means that the destructive effects will increase as well.
          Newly published Again, Global Risks Report for 2022 published by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
          on January 11, 2022, shows that the top three risks of the top 10 expected risks for the future are en-
          vironmental and climate-oriented risks. Hence, it seems that a carbon-neutral future is inevitable for
          the global temperature increase to be limited to +1.5 C at the end of the century. This study presents
          the emergence and process of global climate change, the dimensions of international negotiations and
          Türkiye’s's position in the face of this crisis, and the green transformation model as a solution.
          Keywords: Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation, Paris Climate Agreement, Net Zero Emissi-
          ons, Carbon Neutrality

                     Prof. Dr., TC Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakan Yardımcısı, İklim Değişikliği Başmüzakerecisi
                                      ORCID ID:

                       Makale Atıf Bilgisi: Birpınar, M.E. (2022). “Küresel Sorun İklim Değişikliği: “Gelişimi,
                                         Uluslararası Müzakereler ve Türkiye””, Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi.
                                         Yıl: 1. Sayı: 1. ss. 20-36.
                            Makale Türü: Derleme
                             Geliş Tarihi: 07.02.2022
                             Kabul Tarihi: 11.02.2022
                             Yayın Tarihi: 20.02.2022
                           Yayın Sezonu: Ocak 2022

                                      Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi
                                   İklim Değişikliği | Ocak 2022 | Sayı: 1
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