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BARSELONA SÖZLEŞMESİ                                                                                                            THE BARCELONA CONVENTION

       PART 2                               the frontier and to the limits of a zone subject   (c) the regulation of the passage of ships and  (a) the development and adoption of a mana-
                                            to  the  sovereignty  or  natıonal  jurisdiction  of   any stopping or anchoring;   gement plan that specifies the legal and insti-
       PROTECTION OF AREAS                  another Party, the competent authorities of the   (d)  the  regulation  of  the  introduction  of  any   tutional framework and the management and

       SECTION ONE - SPECIALLY PROTEC-      two Parties shall endeavour to cooperate, with   species not indigenous to the specially protec-  protection measures applicable;
                                            a view to reaching agreement on the measures
       TED AREAS                                                                           ted area in question, or of genetically modified  (b) the continuous monitoring of ecological pro-
                                            to be taken and shall, inter alia. examine the   species, as well as the introduction or reintro-  cesses, habitats, population dynamics, landsca-
                                            possibility of the other Party establishing a cor-
       Article 4                            responding  specially  protected  area  or  adop-  ductıon of species which are or have been pre-  pes, as well as the impact of human actıvities;
                                                                                           sent in the specially protected area;
                                                                                                                                (c) the active involvement of local communities
       OBJECTIVES                           ting any other appropriate measures.           (e) the regulation or prohibition of any activity  and populations, as approprıate, in the mana-
       The objective of specially protected areas is to   3. If a Party intends to establish, in an area sub-  involving the exploration or modification of the  gement of specially protected areas, including
       safeguard:                           ject to its sovereignty or national jurisdiction, a   soil or the exploitation of the subsoil of the land  assistance  to  local  inhabitants  who  might  be
                                            specially protected area contiguous to the fron-
       (a) representatıve types of coastal and marine   tier and to the limits of a zone subject to the   part, the seabed or its subsoil;  affected by the establishment of such areas;
       ecosystems  of  adequate  size  to  ensure  their   sovereignty or national jurisdiction of a State   (f) the regulation of any scientific research ac-  (d) the  adoption  of  mechanisms  for  financing
       long-term viability  and  to  maintain  their  bio-  that is not a Party to this Protocol, the Party   tivity;           the  promotion  and  management  of  specially
       logical diversity;                   shall endeavour to cooperate with that State as   (g) the regulation or prohibition of fishing, hun-  protected  areas,  as  well  as  the  development
       (b) habitats which are in danger of disappearing   referred to in the previous paragraph.  ting, taking of animals and harvesting of plants   of activities which ensure that management is
       in their natural area of distribution in the Me-  4. İf a State which is not party to this Protocol   or their destruction, as well as trade in animals,   compatible with the objectives of such areas;
       diterranean  or  which  have  a  reduced  natural   intends to establish a specially protected area   parts of animals, plants, parts of plants, which  (e) the regulation of activities compatible with
       area of distribution as a consequence of their   contiguous to the frontier and to the limits of a   originate in specially protected areas;  the objectives for which the specially protected
       regression  or  on  account  of  their  intrinsically   zone subject to the sovereignty or national ju-                  area was established and the terms of the rela-
       restricted area;                     risdiction of a Party to this Protocol, the latter   (h) the regulation and if necessary the prohibi-  ted permıts;
                                                                                           tion of any other activity or act likely to harm
       (c) habitats critical to the survival, reproduction   shall endeavour to cooperate with that State as   or disturb the species or that might endanger  (f) the training of managers and qualified tech-
       and recovery of endangered, threatened or en-  referred to in paragraph 2.          the state of conservation of the ecosystems or  nical personnel, as well as the development of
       demic species of flora or fauna;                                                    species or might impair the natural or cultural  an appropriate infrastructure.
                                            Article 6
       (d)  sites  of  particular  importance  because  of                                 characteristics of the specially protected area;  3. The Parties shall ensure that national contin-
       their scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educatio-  PROTECTION MEASURES             (i)  any  other  measure  aimed  at  safeguardıng  gency plans incorporate measures for respon-
       nal ınterest.                        The  Parties,  in  conformity  with  international   ecological and biological processes and the lan-  ding to incidents that could cause damage or

       Article 5                            law and taking into account the characteristics   dscape.                           constıtute  a  threat  to  the  specially  protected
                                            of each specially protected area, shall take the
       ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIALLY PROTECTED   protection measures required, in particular:  Article 7                           4.  When  specially  protected  areas  covering
       AREAS                                (a) the strengthening of the application of the   PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT           both land and marine areas have been estab-
       1. Each Party may establish specially protected   other Protocols to the Convention and of other   1. The Parties shall, in accordance with the ru-  lished,  the  Parties  shall  endeavour  to  ensure
       areas in the marine and coastal zones subject   relevant treaties to which they are Parties;  les of international law, adopt planning, mana-  the coordination of the administration and ma-
       to its sovereignty or jurisdiction.  (b) the prohibition of the dumping or discharge   gement, supervision and monitoring measures   nagement of the specially protected area as a
       2.  If  a  Party  intends  to  establish,  in  an  area   of wastes and other substances likely directly   for the specially protected areas.
       subject to its sovereignty or national jurisdic-  or indirectly to impair the integrity of the speci-  2. Such measures should include for each spe-
       tion, a specially protected area contiguous to   ally protected area;               cially protected area:

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