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BARSELONA SÖZLEŞMESİ                                                                                                            THE BARCELONA CONVENTION

       PROTOCOL CONCERNING SPECIALLY       PART 1                                          ferred to in Article 2 of the Convention;  Article 3
       PROTECTED AREAS AND BIOLOGICAL      General Provısıons                              (i) “Centre” means the Regional Activity Centre   General Oblıgatıons
       DIVERSITY IN THE MEDITERRANEAN                                                      for Specially Protected Areas.       1. Each Party shall take the necessary measu-
                                           Article 1
       The Contracting Parties to this Protocol,                                           Article 2                            res to:
                                           Definitions                                                                          (a) protect,  preserve and manage in a sustai-
       Being  Parties  to  the  Convention  for  the  Pro-                                 Geographical Coverage                nable and environmentally sound way areas of
       tection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pol-  For the purposes of this Protocol:   1. The area to which this Protocol applies shall   particular natural or cultural value, notably by
       lution,  adopted  at  Barcelona  on  16  February  (a) “Convention” means the Convention for the   be the area of the Mediterranean Sea as de-  the establishment of specially protected areas;
       1976,                               Protection  of  the  Mediterranean  Sea  against   limited in Article 1 of the Convention. İt also
       Conscious  of  the  profound  impact  of  human   Pollution, adopted at Barcelona on 16 Febru-  includes:                (b) protect, preserve and manage threatened or
       activities on the state of the marine environ-  ary 1976 and amended at Barcelona in 1995;  - the seabed and its subsoil;  endangered species of flora and fauna.
       ment and the lıttoral and more generally on the  (b)  “Biological  diversity”  means  the variabilıty                    2. The  Parties  shall  cooperate,  directly  or  th-
       ecosystems of areas having prevailing Mediter- among  living  organisms  from  all  sources  inc-  - the waters, the seabed and its subsoil on the   rough  the  competent  international  organıza-
       ranean features,                    luding, inter alia. terrestrial, marine and other   landward side of the baseline from which the   tions, in the conservation and sustainable use
       Stressing the importance of protecting and, as   aquatic ecosystems and the ecological comp-  breadth of the territorial sea is measured and  of biological diversity in the area to which this
       appropriate, improving the state of the Medi-  lexes of which they are part; this includes di-  - extending, in the case of watercourses, up to   Protocol applies.
       terranean natural and cultural heritage, in par-  versity within species, between species and of   the freshwater limit; the terrestrial coastal are-  3. The Parties shall identify and compile inven-
       ticular through the  establishment  of  specially   ecosystems;                     as designated by each of the Parties, including   tions of the components of biological diversity
       protected areas and also by the protection and  (c)  “Endangered  species”  means  any  species   wetlands.              important for its conservation and sustainable
       conservation of threatened species,  that is in danger of extınction throughout all or   2. Nothing in this Protocol nor any act adopted   use.
       Considering  the  instruments  adopted  by  the   part of its range;                on the basis of this Protocol shall prejudice the   4. The Parties shall adopt strategies, plans and
       United  Nations  Conference  on  Environment  (d) “Endemic species” means any species who-  rights,  the  present  and  future  claıms  or  legal   programmes for the conservation of biological
       and  Development  and  particularly  the  Con- se range is restricted to a limited geographical   views  of  any  State  relating  to  the  law  of  the   diversity and the sustainable use of marine and
       vention on Biological Diversıty (Rio de Janeiro,  area;                             sea, in particular, the nature and the extent of   coastal biological resources and shall integrate
       1992),                                                                              marıne areas. the delimitation of marine areas   them into their relevant sectoral and intersec-
                                           (e)  “Threatened  species”  means  any  species   between States with opposite or adjacent co-  toral policies.
       Conscious that when there is a threat of signı- that is likely to become extinct within the fore-  asts, freedom of navıgation on the high seas,
       ficant reduction or loss of biological diversity,  seeable future throughout all or part of its ran-  the right and the modalities of passage through   5. The Parties shall monitor the components of
       lack of full scientific certainty should not be in- ge and whose survival is unlikely if the factors   straits  used  for  international  navigation  and   biological diversity referred to in paragraph 3
       voked as a reason for postponıng measures to  causing numerıcal decline or habitat degradati-  the right of innocent passage in territorial seas,   of this Article and shall identify processes and
       avoid or minimize such a threat,    on continue to operate;                         as well as the nature and extent of the jurisdic-  categorıes of activities which have or are likely
       Considering  that  all  the  Contracting  Parties  (f)  “Conservation  status  of  a  species”  means   tion of the coastal State, the flag State and the   to  have  a  significant  adverse  impact  on  the
                                                                                                                                conservation and sustainable use of biological
       should cooperate to conserve, protect and res- the sum of the influences acting on the species   port State.             diversity, and monitor their effects.
       tore the health and integrıty of ecosystems and  that may affect its long-term distribution and   3. No act or activity undertaken on the basis
       that they have, in this respect, common but dif- abundance;                         of  this  Protocol  shall  constitute  grounds  for   6. Each Party shall apply the measures provided
       ferentiated responsibilities,                                                                                            for in this Protocol without prejudice to the so-
                                           (g) “Parties” means the Contracting Parties to   claiming, contending or dısputing any claim to   vereignty or the jurisdiction of other Parties or
       Have agreed as follows:             this Protocol;                                  national sovereignty or jurisdiction.
                                                                                                                                other States. Any measures taken by a Party to
                                           (h) “Organization” means the organization re-                                        enforce these measures shall be in accordance
                                                                                                                                with international law.
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