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 SECTION TWO  Article 9   (b) proposals made under paragraph 2 of this   Article 10
       Article shall ındicate the protection and mana-
 RANEAN IMPORTANCE  AND LISTING OF SPAMIs  as the means of their implementation.  Changes in the delimitation or legal status of a
 Article 8   1.  SPAMIs  may  be  established,  following  the   4. The procedure for inclusion of the proposed   SPAMI or the suppression of ali or part of such
                                            an area shall not be decided upon unless the-
       area in the List is the following:
 procedure provided for in paragraph 2 to 4 of
 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LIST OF SPECIALLY  this Article, in: (a) the marine and coastal zones   (a) for each area, the proposal shall be submıt-  re  are  important  reasons  for  doing  so, taking
 PROTECTED  AREAS  OF  MEDİTERRANEAN  subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the   ted  to  the  National  Focal  Points,  which  shall   into account the need to safeguard the envi-
 IMPORTANCE  Parties; (b) zones partly or wholly on the high   examine its conformity with the common gui-  ronment and comply with the obligations laid
 seas.                                      down in this Protocol and a procedure similar
 1. In order to promote cooperation in the ma-  delines and criteria adopted pursuant to Article   to that followed for the creation of the SPAMI
 nagement  and  conservation  of  natural  areas,  2. Proposals for inclusion in the List may be su-  16;  and its inclusion in the List shall be observed.
 as well as in the protection of threatened spe-  bmıtted:  (b) if a proposal made in accordance with su-
 cies and their habitats, the Parties shall draw   (a) by the Party concerned, if the area is situ-  bparagraph  2  (a)  of  this  Article  is  consistent
 up a “List of Specially Protected Areas of Medi-  ated in a zone already delimited, over which it   with the guidelines and common criteria, after
 terranean Importance”, hereinafter referred to   exercises sovereignty or jurisdiction;  assessment, the Organization shall inform the
 as the “SPAMI List”.  meeting  of  the  Parties,  which  shall  decide  to
 (b) by two or more neighbouring Parties concer-
 2. The SPAMI List may include sites which:  ned if the area is situated, partly or wholly, on   ınclude the area in the SPAMI List;

 - are of ımportance for conserving the compo-  the high sea;  (c) if a proposal made in accordance with su-
 nents of biological diversity in the Mediterrane-  (c)  by  the  neighbouring  Parties  concerned  in   bparagraphs  2  (b)  and  2  (c)  of  this  Article  is
 an;  areas where the limits of national sovereignty   consistent  with  the  guidelines  and  common
       criteria, the Centre shall transmit it to the Or-
   -  contain  ecosystems  specific  to  the  Medi-  or jurisdiction have not yet been defined.  ganization, which shall inform the meeting of
 terranean area or the habitats of endangered   3. Parties making proposals for inclusion in the   the Parties. The decision to include the area in
 species;  SPAMI  List  shall  provide  the  Centre  with  an   the SPAMI list shall be taken by consensus by
 - are of special interest at the scientific, aesthe-  introductory report containing information on   the Contracting Parties, which shall also appro-
 tic, cultural or educational levels.  the  area’s  geographical  location,  its  physical   ve the management measures applicable to the
 and ecological characteristics, its legal status,   area.
 3. The Parties agree:
 its management plans and the means for their   5. The Parties which proposed the inclusion of
 (a)  to  recognize  the  particular  importance  of  implementation, as well as a statement justif-  the area in the List shall implement the prote-
 these areas for the Mediterranean;  ying its  ction  and  conservation  measures  specified  in
 (b) to comply with the measures applicable to  Mediterranean importance;  their proposals in accordance with paragraph
 the SPAMIs and not to authorize nor undertake   (a)  where  a  proposal  is  formulated  under  su-  3 of this Article. The Contracting Parties under-
 any activities that might be contrary to the ob-  bparagraphs 2 (b) and 2 (c) of this Article, the   take to observe the rules thus laid down. The
 jectives for which the SPAMIs were established.  neighbouring  Parties  concerned  shall  consult   Centre shall inform the competent internatio-
 each other with a view to ensuring the consis-  nal organizations of the List and of the measu-
       res taken in the SPAMIs.
 tency of the proposed protection and manage-
 ment measures, as well as the means for their   6. The Parties may revise the SPAMI List. To this
 implementation;  end, the Centre shall prepare a report.

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