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 PART IV  Article 16   Article 18           the participation of their public and their con-
                                            servation  organizations  in  measures  that  are
 The Parties shall adopt:  1.  In  formulating  protective  measures,  the   species  concerned,  including  environmental
 Article 14   (a) common criteria for the choice of protected   Parties shall take into account the traditional   impact assessments
 marine and coastal areas that could be inclu-  subsistence and cultural activities of their local
 AMENDMENTS TO ANNEXES  ded in the SPAMI List which shall be annexed   populations.  They  shall  grant  exemptions,  as  Article 20

 1. The procedures for amendments to Annexes  to the Protocol;  necessary, to meet such needs. No exemption   SCIENTIFIC,  TECHNICAL  AND  MANAGE-
       which ıs allowed for this reason shall:
 to this Protocol shall be those set forth in Artic-  (b) common criteria for the inclusion of additio-  MENT RESEARCH
 le 17 of the Convention.  nal species in the Annexes;  (a) endanger either the maintenance of ecosys-  1.  The  Parties  shall  encourage  and  develop
 2. AH proposed amendments submitted to the   (c) guidelines for the establishment and mana-  tems protected under this Protocol or the bio-  scientific and technical research relating to the
       logical  processes  contrıbuting  to  the  mainte-
 meeting of Contracting Parties shall have been   gement of specially protected areas  nance of those ecosystems;  aims of this Protocol. They shall also encourage
 the subject of prior evaluation by the meeting   and develop research into the sustainable use
 of National Focal Points.  The criteria and guidelines referred to in parag-  (b) cause either the extinction of, or a substan-  of specially protected areas and the manage-
 raphs (b) and (c) may be amended by the me-  tial reduction in, the number of individuals ma-  ment of protected species.
 Article 15   eting of the Parties on the basis of a proposal   king up the populations or species of flora and   2.  The  Parties  shall  consult,  when  necessary,
 made by one or more Parties.  fauna,  in  particular  endangered,  threatened,
 INVENTORIES  migratory or endemic species.  among themselves and with competent inter-
                                            national organizations with  a view to identif-
 Each Party shall compile comprehensıve inven- Article 17   2.  Parties  which  grant  exemptions  from  the  yıng,  planning  and  undertaking  scientific  and
 tories of:  ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT  protection measures shall inform the Contrac-  technical research and monitoring programmes

 (a)  areas  over  which  they  exercise  sovereig-  İn  the  planning  process  leading  to  decisions   ting Parties accordingly.  necessary for the identification and monitoring
 nty or jurisdiction that contain rare or fragile   on industrial and other projects and activities   of  protected  areas  and  species  and  assessing
 ecosystems,  that  are  reservoirs  of  biological   that could signıficantly affect protected areas   Article 19   the effectiveness of measures taken to imple-
 diversity, that are important for threatened or   and species and their habitats, the Parties shall   PUBLICITY, INFORMATION, PUBLIC AWARE-  ment management and recovery plans.
 endangered species;  evaluate and take into consideration the pos-  NESS AND EDUCATION  3. The Parties shall exchange, directly or throu-
 (b) species of fauna or flora that are endange-  sible direct or indirect, immediate or long-term,   1. The Parties shall give appropriate publicity to   gh the Centre, scientific and technical informa-
 red or threatened.  impact, including the cumulative impact of the   the establishment of specially protected areas,   tion concerning current and planned research
 projects and activities being contemplated.  and  monitoring  programmes  and  the  results
       their boundaries, applicable regulations, and to   thereof. They  shall,  to  the  fullest  extent  pos-
       the designation of protected species, their ha-  sible, coordinate their research and monitoring
       bitats and applicable regulations    programmes, and endeavour jointly to define or
       2.  The  Parties  shall  endeavour  to  inform  the  standardize their procedures.
       publıc of the interest and value of specially pro-  4. In technical and scientific research, the Par-
       tected areas and species, and of the scientific   ties  shall  give  priority to  SPAMIs  and  species
       knowledge which may be gained from the point   appearing in the Annexes to this Protocol.
       of view of nature conservation and other po-
       ints of view. Such information should have an
       appropriate  place  in  education  programmes.
       The  Parties  shall  also  endeavour  to  promote

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